Free Topics of the Week June 30 – July 6

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to this weeks Homeschooling Resources which are Free Topics of the Week June 30 – July 6. I hope you find resources here you can use. If you have resources for the 4th of July please leave me a comment as I’m looking for resources for Charlie to use.

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!

Let Freedom Ring
Let Freedom Ring
Four days after the delegates approved the Declaration, Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell rang out loudly. Over and over, it called the people to come hear the reading of the Declaration of Independence.

The Discovery and Study of Cells
The Discovery and Study of Cells
Around 1590, Dutch lens makers Hans and Zacharias Janssen made the first microscope, by putting two glass lenses in a tube. About 60 years later, English scientist Robert Hooke used a similar device to study cork from a tree–which is where the term “cell” originated. Read this Topic to find out exactly how!

Renewable Power Sources
Renewable Power Sources
The world has seen two revolutions in power. Steam engines kicked off the first one in the late 1700’s, providing steady mechanical energy. Then, electricity brought about the second revolution in the late 1800’s–which we obviously still use frquently today!

How Dogs Communicate
How Dogs Communicate
Dogs have a language all their own. They howl and growl, bark and moan, whimper and whine, yip and yelp. They also have a whole range of facial and body expressions—each with a specific meaning.
Becoming a Knight
Becoming a Knight
“I dub you knight.” When a young man heard these words and felt a sword tap his neck, he knew his years of training were over, and he was now a knight. But not just anyone could become a knight, find out what it took in this Topic.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie ad David Cates