Aims Center for Math and Science Education

The Mommies Reviews
Aims Center for Math
It’s Monday, June 3, 2019, and time for Math in our Homeschooling! Even though it is Summer I wanted to make sure Charlie is still practicing his math each day.

I would like to bring you a Recommended Website: AIMS Puzzle Corner . The website give us resources for Math and Science Education. If you have used this website can you let me know what you liked about the resources or didn’t like.

Age Range: 6-18 (Grades 1-12, and non-readers will need assistance). 
AIMS Education Foundation (Activities Integrating Math and Science) offers hundreds of free math puzzles and activity pages designed to give students a fun way to develop divergent thinking, practice math skills, learn persistence, and be creative.)

Designed for classroom use, these puzzles can be used at home as well – and are intended for use OFFLINE. The puzzles “have not been assigned a grade level because the ability to do a puzzle varies more by individual than by grade.”

When you get to the site you’ll see a menu of puzzle categories. Choose from the menu on the left side bar:  Arrangement Puzzles – Move manipulatives or rearrange items according to specific rules.

Dissection Puzzles – Assemble geometric shapes to form larger figures, or break them into smaller figures. Divergent Thinking Puzzles – Think in ways that defy typical assumptions. Logic Puzzles – Make sense of paradoxes, move items safely across divides, or complete challenges according to specific rules. Miscellaneous Puzzles – Paradoxes, games, magic cards, and more. Number Puzzles – Arrange numbers according to specific rules, look for patterns, or manipulate them to get different solutions. Toothpick Puzzles – Move, rearrange, and/or remove toothpicks to reach desired outcomes. Topological Puzzles – Explore geometric properties not affected by changes in size and shape. Visual Puzzles – Explain why optical illusions and visual paradoxes work. Click on a category and a new page opens listing the puzzles and at the very bottom of the puzzle you can click the arrow to view the solution.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates