What is a statement of claim and how do you use it?

The Mommies Reviews

What is a statement of claim and how do you use it?

If you ever wanted to apply for a public job in Australia, you probably already knew that the whole process will be quite arduous. The governmental agencies have a strict policy when it comes to accepting new talent; thorough screening and interviews are performed in order to find the highest quality professionals.

Although it may seem chaotic (due to a big number of requirements and expectations) the whole process is quite well structured. In fact, public agencies expect structure responses as well from their candidates. This way, everything is more uniformed and it makes it easier to find the best prospects.

One of the main elements of an application is the statement of claim.


Statement of claims is a term that is often used in legal circles. It is basically a statement that provides a claim and can be used as a legal document. That being said, the candidates have to take it seriously and make sure all the facts can be corroborated.

When posting a new job, an agency will release key selection criteria. This is a list of requirements that a candidate needs to meet in order to be seriously considered for a position. Depending on a job, these requirements can be more or less strict.

Here is an example of how it may look like:

  • 5+ years of experience on managerial positions
  • Ability to work in a dynamic environment and meet deadlines
  • Ability to work as a part of a team
  • The second language is desirable
  • High Microsoft Office proficiency

Now, the statement of claim is used to answer these requirements and provide a breakdown of a person’s abilities, skills, experience and everything else relevant for a position.

Similarities to resumes

There are lots of elements that make resumes and statement of claims similar.

They both have a structured form and need to be easy on the eye. They are also split into different sections that mention experience, education and so on. But, perhaps the biggest difference is in how each document affects the reader.

Most people create wholesome resumes; they try to include every skill and experience they had during their professional career. On the other hand, the statement of claim is much more targeted. It mentions only things that are relevant for a particular position while also trying to answer all the requirements.

Furthermore, you can create a resume once and keep it for all similar job postings. On the other hand, it is much better if you modify your statement of claim prior to applying to any public position.

Last thing to mention

Even though this document has many similarities to traditional resumes, there are also quite a few differences. This is why it is much better to hire a professional resume writer before you apply for a job. A professional can help you create an awesome document that will be tailor-fit for a particular position. This way, you will save a lot of time while increasing the odds of landing a job.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates