The Wild Soccer Bunch, Book 2, Diego the Tornado

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for a children’s book called The Wild Soccer Bunch, Book 2, Diego the Tornado Kindle Edition which I received to review. The thoughts in this review is mine and my families. No, one else.

The Wild Soccer Bunch, Book 2, Diego the Tornado by [Masannek, Joachim]

Charlie has always loved Soccer and was able to play when he was 2. David even coached Charlie’s team. Charlie is entering 6th Grade this year I need to get Charlie back into Soccer.

Being a part of a team Charlie will make new friends,, learn discipline. David will be able to coach Charlie at home because he played Soccer in High School. Allowing them to spend one on one time together.

I chose to review The Wild Soccer Bunch Diego the Tornado to help Charlie remember his love of Soccer. While allowing Charlie to practice his reading in school.

As soon as Charlie sat down and read the first two chapters he was ready to go outside and start playing. Once we finished Charlie asked me if there was more books in this series and I let Charlie know there was.

Charlie asked me if we could pick the other novels up this week. I asked Charlie why and he said wanted to read them over the Summer. I was so happy to hear this because it will help Charlie prepare for 6th grade.

Fabio, the son of a famous Brazilian soccer player, wants to join the Wild Soccer Bunch. But Fabio’s father has other plans. He makes his son play for the Furies, one of the best youth club teams in the country.

The Wild Soccer Bunch is devastated, but Diego has a different plan. He turns the Wild Soccer Bunch into a club team and challenges the Furies to a game! Can the wild Soccer Bunch survive the game? Can their friendship endure the test?