Watching credit is a must these days. Companies have begun to dig deep and pay close attention to scores. Consumers are searching for repair options at an all time high as well.
I began looking into my credit when I was researching home buyer options. I had a couple small medical bills that had hit my credit and had me in the low 500’s that I didn’t even know about. When I came across Credit Karma, thanks to algorithms these days, it was my first resource to use and so helpful.
In 6 months I was able to obtain my first secured credit card, pay off the small $33 and $56 hospital bills and raise my credit score by over 100 points. The Credit Karma Free Credit Repair advice is so helpful! At about 9 months I was over a 700 credit score. It will lead you down a trail of tips and advice to better your scores and get ready for the next big step in life whether it be a credit card, car loan or mortgage loan. Check it out!
Have you used Credit Karma? How did it help you?