Things That Have Changed In Schools Over Time

Schools within the UK have definitely changed over the years, and they are a lot different to have they operated fifty years ago. Here are things that have changed in schools over time.

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This has probably been the biggest change in schools, and it’s hard to believe that children were physically punished for their wrongdoings during school time. It’s hard to believe it because if it happened nowadays, there would be uproar and rightly so. Physical violence is never the answer, especially when adults are dealing with children and are in a position of authority. It only builds resentment and affects the mental health of those who are still growing.

Currently, there’s alternative punishment in the way of detention and suspension that is just as effective and warrants no need for abuse.

Changes In Curriculum

As the years go by, careers are changing, and the traditional subjects are almost becoming a little old-fashioned. Of course, it’s important to learn the core subjects, but there are now more changes in happening in what subjects are available on the school curriculum. The question remains though, is there probably still a way to go in terms of subjects to study? There does seem to be a lack of certain subject topics that might help students find their passion but also to cater for the variety of careers that now exist in the real world.

School Uniforms

It’s interesting to note how school uniforms have evolved over time and what was once very traditionalist have now become more relaxed. Even within the last ten years, there has been a change in how girls can dress, where schools are now giving the option of trousers over just skirts. School uniforms do help with teaching students on how to dress well which all comes in handy for when they go for interviews or work for a company that expects a certain standard of dressing.

The Impact Of Technology

Technology has changed so vastly over such a short space of time that the impact of technology has certainly become noticeable within schools. As more careers become reliant on technology, it’s important to incorporate it from an early age. That’s why more classrooms are using iPads and smartphones within classes that may benefit from them. The impact of technology is certainly one of the biggest changes that have happened within schools over the past few years.


Exams seem to have become a lot more prominent in current school curriculums than they were before. With some subjects, coursework was making up a part of the final marks, and this was beneficial for those who didn’t deal well with the environment of exams. However, a lot of these subjects have now removed coursework completely. Exams are also being introduced earlier than previous years, which seems to be adding a lot more pressure to school life than before.

As our society continues to advance, schools are probably going to change and adapt eventually to keep up with modern day expectations. Who knows what the difference will be in the next ten years!