Angels Among Us

The Mommies Reviews

I was getting ready to work on the blog this morning when I was looking around my house. I took the time to thank the Lord for my home, my friends and my family.

I was getting up to get dressed I received a email from a friend and a VA I use on my website Sara Lemhan and I knew God was watching over me as he had her finish some work I needed.

Then I was going through emails and I had been waiting to hear from a gentleman I do sponsor post for but he hasn’t bothered to respond to my emails.

Before I could get discouraged or upset God had another client email me and requested Sponsored Post so I knew the Lord had removed the one gentleman and brought me someone else. Now, I may never know why the Lord did that but it’s okay.

Because once again the Lord was reminding me to trust in him and that he know our needs before we do and that he will take care of our needs if we believe in him.

This weekend I had a lot of work I needed to do but the house needed cleaned and instead of worrying about how I could get everything done. David blessed me by telling me to work on my site and he would take care of everything else.

All I can say is there is Angels among us and I have plenty of them in my life including David and Charlie and I am blessed to be able to say they are my family.

My sister Debbie who I was able to spend time with this weekend along with my niece and nephew. My best friend Debbie who I am blessed to be able to have lunch with this morning.

I would like to dedicate this song to the Angels in my life and let them know how much I love them and that I appreciate them being a part of my life. Without them I wouldn’t be who I am.

In the meantime if your a Blogger, Business Owner or in Direct Sales and your needing help with your business I would like to ask you to reach out to Sara Lemhan because she can help you in so many ways.

Sara Lehman's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, standing, cloud, sky, sunglasses and outdoor

From creating Printables you can give away on your website to writing post for you or managing your Social Media or just offering you tips and advice. Sara should be your go to gal.

Angels Among Us Alabama

God Gave Me You Blake Shelton

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates