A to Z Challenge Letter C Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cones

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie has had to take the STARR test this week and because of the test Charlie has been stressed. My family has been worried Charlie will not pass.

I was online I wanted to find something fun for us to do this weekend to celebrate the test being over. I would like to invite you to check out the A to Z Challenge Letter C Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cones.

Even though we don’t know if Charlie passed or not. It’s time to just have fun. As I was trying to figure out what to do besides going to the movies. I’ve come up with Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cones.

Which Charlie and his friends can make this weekend because every child I know loves Cotton Candy. I also plan on purchasing the supplies so my sister can make the Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cones with my niece Lily and nephew Jason.


White Candy Melts

Food Coloring

Sugar Cones

Cotton Candy


Melt the white candy melts in the microwave. Stir every 25 seconds to avoid burning!

When the candy melts are smooth, add food color. I used blue.

Dip the sugar cones into the candy melt, then immediately into the sprinkles.

Allow the cones to dry.

Make small balls of cotton candy. Place them in the sprinkle dipped cones.

Enjoy a fun and easy treat!