It’s Monday, and time for Math! 

The Mommies Reviews
It’s Monday, and time for Math!Tomorrow is Charlie’s first attempt for his STARR test. I am scared and not sure Charlie will pass. Knowing how I felt I asked Charlie’s teacher and Mrs. Porter says it can go either way.

Knowing this I knew it was time to get Charlie working on his math at home. So I complied a list of math websites for Charlie to check out. As I was putting the list together I thought you might want to check the websites out for your students.
Recommended Website:
HippoCampus – Math
Age Range: 11-18 (Grades 6-12, with parental supervision) The Monterey Institute for Technology and Education has made a fantastic resource available for free for individual middle school, high school, and college students to further their education.

When you get to the site, the math subjects under NROC Collection that can be selected from the menu at the left are: Arithmetic, Algebra & Geometry, Calculus & Advanced Math Statistics & Probability. If you select “Algebra & Geometry” for example, you’ll see a list of presentations: Algebra 1, Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra and Geometry. Choose one and a list of topics in each course will appear. Click on any one to see a 2-5 minute video explaining that topic. Use the arrow just below the video to move to the next topic, or choose whichever topic you want to view next from the list on the left of the video. (If you scroll all the way down the page, there are links to textbooks for Algebra 1, first and second semester that may help as you listen to those videos.)

These high-quality multimedia interactive lessons constitute a complete high school level course — all for FREE!  But there’s more! Other courses currently available are Biology, Chemistry, Economics, History & Government, and even Religion!

Bookmark this one. There is enough under any one of these subjects to keep a middle schoolhigh school, or college student engaged and learning for a good long time.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates