15 Presidents Day Books for Kids

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, as we begin the weekend I thought I would share 15 Presidents Day Books for Kids with you. I plan on stopping by Half Price Book store this morning.

I want to pick up books teaching Charlie  and my nieces and nephews about Presidents Day. One of the books I plan on picking up for Charlie is one on George H Bush because he has to do a report on his this weekend.

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Presidents’ Day
Smart About the Presidents
Celebrating Presidents’ Day
P is for President
Ellie May on Presidents’ Day
1000 Facts About the White House

Who Was Abraham Lincoln
Who is Barack Obama?
George Washington: The First President
Who Was Franklin Roosevelt?
My Little Golden Book About Abraham Lincoln
My Little Golden Book About George Washington
True Tales of Childhood from America’s Presidents
A Time Book for Kids: Presidents of the United States
President Taft is Stuck in the Bath

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

19 thoughts on “15 Presidents Day Books for Kids

  1. Any of these books would be perfect for celebrating Presidents Day. I didn’t realize there were so many children’s books about Presidents.

  2. Always important to teach our children about the different presidents past and present. These books would help so much.

  3. I like the idea of children’s books about the presidents. I think it’s important for children to know about presidents and what they did.

  4. this is such a great idea. my daughter is starting kindergaren in the fall so were working on reading and bc she has monday off for president’s day, i think ill take her to the library to pick out a few of these books to learn about the president’s we’ve had thanks to you! great list!

  5. It is so great there are resources such as these books to captivate children when it comes to historical figures. These sound like the perfect educational books.

  6. Great book suggestions! It’s important for children to learn about our country’s leaders. My kids would especially love 1,000 Facts About The White House.

  7. I only remember hearing about George Washington and Abe Lincoln in elementary school. I want to read some of these books myself.

  8. I have a friend whose son is OBSESSED with the Presidents! I will have to share this post with her to see if he has these books!

  9. Those are good books to use to celebrate President’s Day. I need to add these to my granddaughter’s book collection.

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