Christmas Gift Guide 2018 Features Cuddle+Kind

The Mommies Reviews

Christmas Gift Guide 2018 features Cuddle+Kind. I have been wracking my brain for weeks trying to figure out what to get my niece. When I was online the other day Googling doll companies trying to find something new and unique Lily and Patyon wouldn’t have. That they would like and play with or could use to decorate there rooms with.

Stella the polar bear

When low and behold the Lord lead me to Cuddle+Kind who is joining us in this years Christmas Gift Guide and will be sending me Stella the polar bear in exchange for a feature in the Guide and a review. Before you say Stella the polar bear isn’t a doll no, Stella the polar bear isn’t in the true sense of the word. But Stella the polar bear is so cute I know both girls are going to love Stella the polar bear when they see Stella the polar bear.

I would like to share a secret with you I am not giving either girl Stella the polar bear. David told me I needed to keep Stella the polar bear to decorate my bed with. Then when they come and visit they would have something to play with. I agreed with David because Stella the polar bear are to darn cute to give away and to get messed up.

I would like to let you know if you have children and need multiple gifts Cuddle+Kind comes in pairs. So you could split Cuddle+Kind up and have two Gifts. Although why would you want to split Cuddle+Kinds up? When they go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly? I know if I showed Lily and Payton Cuddle+Kinds come in sets they would want both of them and if truth is told so would I.

Not only that now that I have Stella the polar bear  for myself I can visit Cuddle+Kind and purchase different dolls for the girls.Then  can play together. I found Skye the mermaid for Payton. For Lily and my sister I would like to get Penelope the flamingo in memory of my daughter Suzzane and they could share Penelope the flamingo.

Skye the mermaid

I  will be sharing Inspirational Prints with Alex Payton’s mom and granny Sherry so they can purchase the print to match the doll I picked up for Payton. Then, I will share Inspirational Prints with my sister Debbie and Lily’s mom Alyssa so they can pick up a print as well. Then I asked David to get me Stella’s print to hang in my office.

Stella’s print

I am not sure David was listening so either I need to purchase Stella’s print for myself. Or if it isn’t to late I need to sit down and write a letter to Santa and ask if he would bring me Stella Inspirational Print. Or ask Charlie to pick Stella Inspirational Print up for me for Christmas. If all else fails I will just purchase Stella Inspirational Print for myself. Which might be easier if truth were told…

I would like to let you know with Cuddle+Kind not being your typical dolls but more like Stuffed Animals. I am sure once Charlie and Jason see what I get the girls they will ask me where there animals are as well. Stella the polar bear I went back to check out Cuddle+Kind. I found Noah the Dog for Jason. For Charlie I think I will pick up Everest the Penguin. If I am very very lucky Charlie might share Everest the Penguin with me because I wanted this one for myself.

About Stella the Polar Bear

Stella the polar bear


Birthday: January 12th

I live way up north, up near the top of the world! I love making snow angels with my twin brother and adore the way snow tingles on my tongue. I believe we’re all just like snowflakesdifferent in our own beautiful way. That’s why you’re amazing exactly the way you are!

Favorite quote: “Believe in yourself.”

Goal: To provide 1 million meals a year.

About Stella print

This is Stella the polar bear’s favorite quote. She’s always found that when you believe in yourself, it’s easier to just be yourself. We think she’s so right! Her adorable print reminds us of a magical snow globe that’s just as chic as she is.

I love knowing Stella’s favorite quote as this is something I tell Charlie over and over and over. By purchasing a copy of Stella’s Inspirational print even if I am not around Charlie will be reminded of this each and ever day. Heck I may even purchase a extra copy so Charlie can hang it in his room to remind himself when you believe in yourself, it’s easier to just be yourself.

About Cuddle+Kind

We’re a family of five on a mission to help feed children in need.

There’s nothing we love more than being parents. We think nurturing our three children is the most important, rewarding and sometimes challenging job in the world!

We created cuddle+kind because we wanted to make beautiful hand-knit dolls that help feed children. So for every cuddle+kind doll sold, we give 10 meals to children in need.

To learn more click here