Homeschool Resource All About Chocolate: Just For Kids

It’s Tuesday,  and time for Science in our Classroom. This morning’s Homeschool Resource All About Chocolate: Just For Kids is this week Recommended Website. Although if something is all about chocolate you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be checking it out as well. I am a Chocolate Fend. Are you?
Age Range: 7-18 (Grades 2-12, with parental supervision)
All About Chocolate: Just for Kids
Learn how to pick cacao beans, ferment them, and process the beans into chocolate, and more.
When you get to the site, select from:
  • Fun Facts – Several pages of interesting information
  • Manufacturing Chocolate from Seed to Sweet – Click on “Begin the chocolate-making process” (you’ll need Flash player). It will take several seconds for the program to load, but your patience will be rewarded when you click on the “enter” button, and follow the 12 interactive steps to see:
    • How Cacao Trees Grow
    • Harvesting Cacao Pods
    • Fermentation
    • Drying Cacao Beans
    • Shipping the Beans
    • Roasting the Beans
    • Winnow the Beans
    • Grind the Beans
    • Mixing
    • Refining
    • Conching
    • Tempering
  • Chocolate Recipes for Kids – from cookies to clay
  • Cacao Crossword Puzzle
  • Chocolate Lover’s Word Find

Also don’t miss the menu items on the right side of the Just for Kids page including All About Chocolate and Educators Resources where there is a free, downloadable series of 12 lessons about chocolate and more.

This is a terrific website for learning all about chocolate!

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates