How To Embrace Successful Parenting

The Mommies Reviews

What is successful parenting…

Is there even anything like that? how are you measured as a successful parent and how can it be determined that you are not one?

How To Embrace Successful Parenting

Personally I believe that we have been given a responsibility by God to take good care of our children and love them so in my diary if you are a parent who is doing these two things then I think you deserve to be called  successful parent.

Successful Parenting is about rearing and raising our kids into young men and women preparing them to be put out into the world as adults who can function well in the society so I often tell people when raising a child remember you do not raise the child for you but for the community, you want to raise a child who can function well in the society, build and sustain healthy relationships with others, which is why I have created a simple guide for you on how to embrace successful parenting.

  1.Love Your Partner:

Here is one thing that can never be overemphasized on, a lot of couples get married, have kids and their love for each other depletes, they stop loving each other as much as they used to and in turn all love is directed to the child which is absolutely wrong, research has proven that couples who love each other more than they love their child are better parents and have higher odds of staying together longer.

  2.  Correct Inappropriate Behaviors:

Correcting your child when they do the wrong thing does so much mentally than we realize, this is often a challenge for parents at some point because if you work outside your home there will be days you will come home really tired and all you want to do is jump into bed and our other full time job of parenting can wait so there will be days we will forget to correct inappropriate behavior and wrong acts not because we want to but because we didn’t get a chance to, if you are currently reading this and you resonate with this part let me know in the comments.

The little misdeeds we ignore or overlook turn out to be huge problems for our kids in future because when these things are not corrected mentally and unconsciously our children start thinking that these things are acceptable and its not  problem displaying them out in the society – Here is the thing you want to avoid.

  3. Teach Your Children To Love God

As a successful parent please introduce God to your children, remind them that God loves them and that they were not put in the world by mistake, teach them about the love of God, teach them how to get out of life problems and  pray in trying situations, how to trust God even when the world says he doesn’t exist.

  4. Teach Them Purpose:

Teach your child purpose and watch that child excel in life. It’s not magic, its all about the mind, when a child is not taught purpose the roam through the world living lives that do not belong to them and guess what? the public school system does not and can not do everything for you… and purpose is one of the most important things that sadly does not come in the curriculum.

How To Embrace Successful Parenting

I hope this helps you in guiding you through embracing successful parenting.

Share your thoughts and concerns with me in the comments below.



19 thoughts on “How To Embrace Successful Parenting

  1. I totally agree! My kids are all grown now and I’m sure I made my fair share of mistakes, but I’m so proud of them all, especially because they all love God with all their heart.

  2. I think any parent doing their honest best to parent is parenting successfully, as noone in this world is perfect. We do need to teach our children right from wrong, but if they make a choice that doesn’t make us a bad parent.

  3. You have a lot of wonderful to tips. I try really hard to raise my kiddos with respect and love! To care for others with the love and discipline only a parent can do!

  4. I love your list! I don’t agree with the God one only because I’m not religious. We’re agnostic, but I tell my kids they have the right to believe in whatever they want. I do correct inappropriate behaviors though! I don’t want to put more jerks in the world.

  5. Parenting can still be stressful even when your child has left the nest. Great post and God always leads me in the right path when it comes to our children.

  6. I love that you included loving your partner. It’s really the best way to model healthy relationships for your children! Great tips.

  7. What a best tips to know for new mom like me. I love those advice that I can apply in my life.

  8. These are important parts of being a successful parent. You definitely need to correct inappropriate behaviors before they become bad habits.

  9. Putting God as the center of any relationship definitely helps make it more positive and it improves the kind of relationship you have with your child or your partner. These are really nice tips for parents, no matter how long they’ve been in the parenting game.

  10. great ost. Parenting is a tricky subject to write about. Good on you! We do alll we can for our kids. What they do with it is up to them.ill always be their 3 am phone call

  11. Yes, parenting is a duty and a responsibility. One needs to be a friend, philosopher, and guide to the kids. Correct them when they are wrong. It is the parents who lay the foundation for the future of their kids.

  12. I agree with you 100%. It was important to me to teach my kid to love the Lord and to be successful adults. Even though they’re grown and married, I still take parenting seriously. It’s an honor.

  13. It’s so important to show your children that you and your partner express love. There’s so much to be said about children in a loving home environment.

    1. I agree with you Heather and it has been hard but I know through perseverance things will get better because I do love my husband and would be lost without him and Charlie.

  14. Yes! You’ve nailed the parts of parenting that is what makes our job so important. Creating human beings that can survive and function in our world.

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