Some of the Most Common Fertility Problems Demystified

More than 10% of couples who have attained reproductive age have problems conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term. About 33% of these cases are due to female fertility problems, 33% are due to male fertility problems, while the remainder of the cases is due to factors affecting both partners and other unexplained causes of infertility in either of the partners. Being in such a situation can be quite frustrating for a couple, especially if you have insensitive friends and family members who will not give you a break and will keep asking you when you will bring them a baby. However, the good news is that about two-thirds of couples who seek treatment for fertility problems end up with a solution to their issues and manage to conceive. This article discusses some of the most common fertility problems in both men and women.

  • Ovulation issues

This is the leading cause of infertility among women. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. If ovulation does not occur, it is impossible for fertilization to take place. Women are advised to try and have sex after ovulation to increase their chances of conceiving. However, if a woman has irregular periods, it is almost impossible to determine with certainty when ovulation will take place, and this makes conception difficult. Ovulation issues are common among women aged 35 and older. In fact, almost one-third of women who have problems conceiving are aged 35 or older. There are a number of tests that can be done to determine whether this could be the reason why you and your partner are having trouble conceiving. These include testing the amount of anti-mullerian hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in the body at various times of the month and doing an antral follicle count. Your fertility doctor may prescribe fertility vitamins to stimulate ovulation so that fertilization can take place.

  • Male infertility

As mentioned above, about 33% of conception problems are due to male fertility problems. Male infertility can be caused by a number of things. It could be that a man does not produce enough sperm for fertilization to take place, or the quality of the sperms produced is poor, or even issues with sperm movement. Varicocele is a condition that causes the testicles to overheat and this affects the quality of sperms produced and makes it difficult for fertilization to take place. Some diseases can also render a man impotent. For instance, mumps can lead to infertility in a man.

  • Poor egg quality

This mostly affects older women as the number and quality of eggs produced declines with age. The egg quality is what determines the embryo quality. If the quality of the egg is poor and fertilization does occur, the woman may miscarry, or the baby may be born with various birth defects. This is why it is important for older women to always consult a fertility doctor before attempting to conceive to determine the quality of their eggs. If the egg quality is poor, there are ways in which it can be improved.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates