Top 5 Benefits of Healthy Fats That You Need To Know

Top 5 Benefits of Healthy Fats That You Need To Know

Health matters are very important, and that is why most times, we are advised to direct all our attention, resources, and commitment to live a healthy life. To function normally, the body needs a balanced diet with the right content of nutrients in the food being consumed. One thing most people are not aware of is that fats are a very important component of our diet that we need to consume just like other types of food. We all need fats in our bodies. Here are the benefits of healthy fats to the human body.  

Image result for picture of healthy fats

Boost your brain function

Taking healthy fats will make you smarter. Experts have proven that your body can not produce omega and that is why you are advised to include it in your diet. A proper diet with polyunsaturated fats will make your brain function better. Your mind is the center of everything in your body. A healthy brain means a healthy life.

Improves functioning of the lungs

Healthy fats are highly recommended because they keep the lungs functioning properly. This has been proven by different research studies conducted by professional medics. The research also indicated that our lungs are made up of saturated fat and that is why we should keep eating healthy fats to avoid diseases like asthma that are likely to attack. We all know the complications that come along with asthma. You should consume these fats to guard yourself against such deadly and life-threatening diseases.

Helps reduce your belly

Why are healthy fats important for weight loss and belly?  This is a question that many people find strange. This is because we all have that perception that fats make one gain weight and that they will always make your belly grow if consumed in large quantities. Sorry, the vice versa is true. Healthy fats will make you cut weight, hence reducing your belly. When you hit the gym and fail to reduce your belly, you should resort to consuming healthy fats. Healthy fats are referred to as a quick fix to an embarrassing potbelly.

Boost your immune system

Your immune system needs to be steady and strong to fight off deadly diseases that may be costly to treat. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to illnesses. Saturated fats found in coconut oil are normally recommended because they boost your immune system. Lack of these fats will weaken your immune system, and you will easily be exposed to viruses and bacteria often. White blood cells need saturated fatty acids in order to fight these foreign intruders.

Improves the skin texture

The skin is made up of a thick membrane with a high combination of fats. The skin is meant to protect the internal parts of the body. And the only way to make sure this important cellular membrane stays intact is through balanced consumption of fats since lack of it will make the skin appear pale and weak and this will expose you to more dangers than you can think of. The skin will also become dry and will be prone to infections.

Top 5 Benefits of Healthy Fats That You Need To Know

The trick to a healthy life is by consuming the right amount of healthy fats. You can come up with a workable diet plan that will favor you with fats. Consume these healthy fats and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

33 thoughts on “Top 5 Benefits of Healthy Fats That You Need To Know

  1. Healthy fats is much needed in our bodies. Unfortunately most of us get too many of the bad fats. Great information on healthy fats

  2. When my dad had his heart attack, our family learned about healthy fats and I make sure we have them often. They are important.

  3. I am starting to read a lot about nutrition. I am trying to eat much better and I am getting there. I have cut out a lot of sugar and I’m trying to add in more healthy fats. This post will definitely help me choose the right stuff.

  4. Healthy fats! I definitely need to eat more of them. I used to hate avocados but recently started liking them. I try to snack on nuts more so than chocolate, as well.

  5. This is good news for me because I think I could eat avocado every single day! Thankfully most healthy fats are tasty in my opinion.

  6. I’ve actually been focusing on “good fats” lately. Knowing more of the benefits is going to help keep me on track! Thank you!

  7. I eat salmon and avocados every week. I know they are super brain foods and are a healthy source of fat. I didn’t realize they improved my skin texture. Yay! I thought I got my good skin from my mom. 🙂

    1. I bet your mom helped with your Skin Tone Alli, I just wish I liked
      Salmon and Avacodos but I don’t even though I know they would help
      with my weight loss.

  8. This is why it’s good to know more about the different kinds of ingredients and food available for us. I think it’s awesome that you’re sharing this information because it will help people who have been trying to eat healthier!

  9. This is a great article. I’ve learned recently that the biggest culprit to belly fat is not indeed fat, but sugar! So many of us quench our thirst with sugary drinks that add to our waistline. I’m so glad I cut out soda 9 years ago! While I don’t have toned abs, I’m still at my pre-pregnancy within five pounds or so. I credit that for cutting sugary drinks. I’d rather eat a donut than drink a soda, but have a full glass of plain water when I’m thirsty.

    1. I am working on cutting out Soda’s and Sweet Tea which is my go-to drink. I just hope I can stick to it as I really do want to lose weight.

  10. I’m in the process of reevaluating my entire diet as my doctor is on my case about being healthier when it comes to what to eat. These tips are good to keep in mind.

  11. Healthy fats are definitely an important part of our diet and shouldn’t be ignored. I love getting mine from avocado and nuts!

  12. This was so informative. I didn’t have a clue that I needed to be eating healthy fats while I’m trying to lose a few pounds. I’ll have to find some healthy fats that I like to add to my diet.

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