Christmas 2014 Round Up for Moffett Watches

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie asked Santa for a watch this year and I was so pleased when I reached out to Moffett Watches and they accepted my request to review there watches for them and to allow me to place them in this years Christmas Gift Guide. If you haven’t heard of Moffett Watches then I would like to ask you to take the time to check them out.

David and I visited Moffett Watches website and we had so much fun  picking out watches we thought Charlie would like and now that Christmas is over I can’t  wait to show Charlie the website where he can find Moffett Watches at. As  I am sure Charlie will pick out a couple  more bands he would like to try out.

In the meantime David and I sat down and put one of the watches together which was so easy to do. Charlie will be able to take them apart and put them back together by himself. With my hands not working some of the time I thought I might have trouble fastening the watches but I didn’t so I know Charlie and his friends will not have trouble fastening it.

I also asked David what he thought about the smell because each watch comes with a fragrance. I had the Grape one on with a black band and a red face I asked David if the smell was too overpowering which David says it wasn’t. I also didn’t think the fragrance was and I would purchase it again. Because I wanted to test it out I ended up wearing it to a meeting and no one even commented on the smell at all. So, I know if you have allergies to fragrances that it will not bother you.

I asked my friend Hallie what she thought of Moffett Watches and I showed her how they worked and I asked her to smell it and she says it has a nice scent that isn’t overpowering. I then asked her if she thought boys or girls would prefer Moffett Watches because I wasn’t sure Charlie and his friends would like it and think it was for girls. Although Hallie and  and David agreed both boys and girls would like these watches. As well as adults and yes, I agree with them because I would wear these watches in given the opportunity.

All in all Moffett Watches is a huge fit for everyone on your Gift Giving list or just to give because you want to give someone you love a new and unique present. Which is what I would do as I love to “PAMPER” those I love. Which I am sure you would like to do to. So make sure you add Moffett Watches to your Gift Giving list.

I wanted to have pictures of Charlie opening up Moffett Watches and trying them on but we have been on the Go since Christmas so he is crashed in my chair so I haven’t been able to get a picture yet, but I hope to in the near future. If not I guess I can always have David put one on or I can even though it would be more fun with Charlie.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates