Have You Heard Of The Legend Of The Candy Cane?

The Mommies Reviews

As a child I remember getting up on Sunday mornings so my sister, brother and I could catch the Church bus to Church. While our parents stayed home and cooked Sunday dinner for us. Each week our Pastor and our bus driver would try and come up with ways to keep us entertained and excited about attending Church on Sundays. A lot of weeks they would have things for us to bring home.

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From a simple piece of gum to a baby chicken during Easter. One time at Christmas I remember given a piece of paper and a candy cane and I wondered why they had to give us that piece of paper. When all we wanted was the candy cane. Although after reading the poem on the paper I understood why they gave a copy to everyone on the bus.

For the longest time I had it hanging on the mirror in our room as a child. Although through the years I am not sure what happened to the paper. But the other day when I was online I saw a reminder about the poem and wanted to share it with you. So you can share it with those you love. Although, before I share it with you I would like to ask if you had known there was a legend to the Candy Cane and if so have you shared it with your family?

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I hope you enjoyed learning about the Legend of the Candy Cane. Have a Blessed day, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please, don’t forget Jesus is the reason for the Season.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates