Christmas Gift Guide Review Divine Planet


As a mom we all know our children love Tattoos. So today I would like to share my thoughts with you on some Metallic Temporary Tattoos called Body Bling Skin Jewelry  that  I was sent. As you will find them in this years Christmas Gift Guide.

Is it Jewelry or is it a tattoo? Who cares? It is “COOL”!!!

The Metallic Tattoos from Diving Planet called  Body Bling Skin Jewelry I  received is  more for adults than children. Although I did show Body Bling Skin Jewelry  to Charlie and he found several of them he would not mind trying out. Like the Elephant.  So instead of opening them and letting him put the Elephant on I decided to put them up and open the packages up and put some in his Christmas Stocking as well as mine.

This way after Christmas we have something to do together. Plus we can share them with my sister and she can chose one as well. Since David has Tattoos we will all match and be able to take a family photo so when Charlie grows up he can see what we would all look like with Tattoos.

Plus this will allow us to create new memories. Which I like doing. I am sure when the children next door see the Tattoos they will want them as they are girls and it would dress up the outfits they wear. Especially Rachea as she is a Teenager and likes to be different than her friends. With the Tattoos this would make her stand out.

So I can not wait to be able to use the Tattoos. So when Christmas is over I will have Charlie and I put them on and share the pictures with you. As well as show you how easy they are to take off a week later. As they are supposed to last a week. Which I am anxious to see if this is try. Plus I want to  know how easy it is to take off.

As I read the back of the paper as it has the instructions on it it says I can lift the Tattoo off with some clear tape which I never knew about. So the next time Charlie gets a Tattoo out of the Gumball machine I am going to see if the tape works.

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates