Even though I hate to admit it my eyes aren’t what they used to be. I have glasses now, and I am supposed to wear them when on the computer and a second pair for when I am looking at things far away. Only I hate wearing them even though they do help.
When I am on the computer, I don’t use my glasses the way I should because  I can’t get used to looking through them. So I end up with a horrible headache. I have started thinking I might need to look into contact but a) I don’t have the money for it and b) we don’t have the insurance. So I have to bite the bullet and wear my glasses all the time.
So I have decided if I have to wear glasses I would like to have different kinds and colors as it would make it more fun. So this morning I will be checking out
for a couple more Readers I can use when on the computer.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates