By now I had plans to be caught up on the Ultimate Blog Challenge but here we are going into a new week. As you can see I’m posting for the Ultimate Blog Challenge: January 11th, 2025. This means I ‘m still 2 days behind but you know what I will catch up today LORD willing.
It’s Monday and I want to finish the first month of January strong and to do that I must finish this challenge. I can’t expect Charlie to grow his business and complete his daily task if I don’t do the same things.
If you will excuse me I need to go take out Hamburger Meat for dinner. I think we will have SOS this evening and if Charlie doesn’t want this he can have Pizza. Would you like to join us for dinner this evening?
Although I must warn you I was thinking of asking my sister if she wanted to come get her #Christmas this evening and the cable guy is coming out this evening to look at our internet which has been buffering and lagging a lot.
I hate this because it affects both mine and Charlie’s business. But I know the LORD will not give us more than we can handle so I just keep telling Charlie to go slow and it will all work out somehow someway. Now, I am off to grab what I need for work.
Then I will take out our dinner and go upstairs to check on Charlie before taking the Dogs out for a quick walk. Then I will clean my desk off so its’ clean this week and I have a nice place to work. I have a couple book reviews coming out soon.
Enjoy your day and have a fun filled week. If its cold where you are stay warm. Remember to speak to everyone you come into contact with because you may be the only person they talk to all day and a smile is free.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates