October 27 Cranky Co-Workers Day #CrankyCoWorkersDay

The Mommies Reviews

October 27th is Cranky Co-Workers Day #CrankyCoWorkersDay and even though I work for myself I’ve had a tendency to be cranky with everyone including myself. Especially when I’m working on a article and someone wants to talk to me. Or they ask me to stop what I’m doing because they need help with something.

Then there is David and his job is so stressful that he also can be a cranky co-worker not only at his job but on the phone when he calls from work to talk to me or his mom. Then he comes home and I have to remind David to watch his mouth and that who ever he is upset with isn’t here. I wish me both could stop being cranky because it affects our family and especially Charlie. Join me on Cranky Co-Workers Day and lets change things.

As I said before no, matter where we work at we all have that cranky co-worker in the office who is always in a bad mood, so take October 27th as the day to make some fun of said co-worker’s attitude by celebrating Cranky Co-Workers Day, and joining them. Yes, there’s a day for that, not just because we need a day of silly fun, but also because our daily toil requires a routine breaker.

Many of us will most likely spend a good chunk of our working years dealing with people coming from all sorts of backgrounds. Oftentimes, there will be that person who will be in a cranky, grouchy mood no matter how good they actually have it.

Cranky Co-Workers Day #CrankyCoWorkersDay celebrates such co-workers and their moods. You can simply let them those Coworkers be, or you could put on your own frown for the day and be as negative as you wish to be.

We have Thomas and Ruth Roy to thank for the quirky holiday called Cranky Co-Workers Day. The couple introduced Cranky Co-Workers Day as part of their holiday company, Wellcat Holidays. They have several such holidays to their name. In fact, there’s even a National Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day which falls on (October 23rd) and a National Grouch Day (October 15th) and that is a #holiday created for David because we all know he is a #Grinch but a loveable Grinch.

While we do not endorse violence or anything similar, we do encourage you to make fun of the serious and cranky moods of your co-workers by either becoming jokingly cranky yourself or just letting the co-workers be as cranky as they want. However, while you’re at it, make sure that the “fun” isn’t negatively impacting your work environment.

You can have fun with Cranky Co-Workers Day by tossing your professional and relaxed attitude away for the day. Wear a constant frown on your face, complain about little things, and drink black Coffee in order to perfect that frown. Involve your co-workers too: the more, the merrier.

When the original cranky person walks into the room and starts complaining about something, join in and agree with everything they are saying. You can make Cranky Co-Workers Day fun by sending cranky emojis to your co-workers throughout the day.

If none of this is up your alley, but you still want to join in on the fun, you can simply let your cranky co-workers be by allowing them to be as cranky as they want instead of telling them to cheer up or pointing out positives.

Cranky Co-Workers Day Activities

  1. This is for all those people who are always in a good mood no matter what. Become Elsa for the day and just let it go. Be as cranky as you want. Let people know that you too are a human being who cannot always be happy.
  2. Always having someone be in a cranky mood around you can be taxing on your mental wellbeing. Ignore such negative energies around you by going about your day and concentrating on your tasks. You do not have to bear this emotional burden and you do not need to react on Cranky Co-Workers Day.
  3. If you are not in the mood to be cranky on Cranky Co-Workers, but you still want to celebrate the day, here’s something you can do: Prepare some lunch for the day and make a cranky face with it. If you are making a Sandwich or having Rice, you can garnish both by making frowns on them using food items including a Carrot, Olives, or Beans.

Facts About Emotions

  1. The emotions we feel on a daily basis are the result of electrochemical signals that our brains release throughout our life
  2. All emotions are valid as they come from nature, and it is human beings that have labeled them as “good” or “bad”.
  3. Certain emotions that we feel, like fear or anger, can often act as protective against forces in our environment by spurring us to take action.
  4. Did you know colors and their different shades tend to affect our emotions blue is calming, while orange and red are energy creating.
  5. The more you control your emotions by not letting them out, the more there is a chance for your emotions to intensify and either explode in unseemly behavior or do you harm emotionally and physically.

Why We Love Cranky Co-Workers Day

  1. Cranky co-workers can sometimes be exhausting to have around, especially with their constant complaining about anything and everything. But Cranky co-workers celebrates them for the kind of life and energy they lend to the office environment. Having cranky co-workers around reinstates what is good and great because after all, what is light without a little darkness?
  2. One of the greatest joys of being alive is being able to feel all the emotions there are. Emotions, be it happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, or just plain jolly, allow us to celebrate and feel the happenings around us. They can be the driving forces behind our reactions and actions in life.
  3. Research has shown that keeping emotions within can result in our emotions becoming intensified. This could also result in you going through that emotion for a longer period of time. This is why it is essential that you let the emotion out by talking about it to someone, making fun of it, or just being cranky, if that helps.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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