October 25 National Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay

October 25 National Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to let you know October 25th is National Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay. I’m grateful my family has chosen to have a Bacon Cheeseburger for dinner this evening. Allowing us to celebrate National Greasy Foods Day. All that is missing is a nice plate of Greasy French Fries with Ketchup. Would you like to join us for dinner this evening.

National Greasy Foods Day is the feel good holiday that comes every October 25th. We all know it’s  State Fair Season: time to fire up the frying Oil, chop the Potatoes, and break out the napkins. On October 25th, you don’t have to feel guilty about eating greasy foods, because you’re are actually encouraged to eat greasy Foods.

No one does greasy foods like the U.S.A. all though greasy foods shouldn’t be eaten on a day to day basis, it doesn’t hurt to indulge every once in a while. From Southern cooking, to Soul Food, to State Fair favorites, greasy foods hold a special place in our hearts and, when eaten excessively, our Arteries. These addictive fan favorites are made greasy by the amount of Oil, Butter, or fat clinging to them even after the cooking process.

Though our cheaper and more affordable foods today tend to be coated in greasy goodness, this wasn’t always the case. In the mid 1800s, Meat was an expensive luxury, getting a fatty piece of anything was rare.

At this time, people mostly cooked their Meats in a Stew in order to preserve whatever fats they could. If spit-roasted, they used foods like Yorkshire Puddings to place beneath the Roast so no fats would go to waste.

Did you know without a fat, it’s difficult for your body to absorb Vitamins A, D, E, and K, and a diet without fats can leave the body feeling hungry even after a meal. In a way greasy foods are actually good for you as long as there eaten in moderation.

Switching out Butters for healthy Oils is a good way to ensure you’re still getting the fat you need to keep your body functioning, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up Pizza permanently. Eating greasy foods in moderation doesn’t hurt, but it’s National Greasy Foods Day! You can go back to mindful eating tomorrow.

National Greasy Foods Day Activities

  1. There are very few things in this world one can’t actually fry, and we dare you to try to find them on National Greasy Food Day. Get together with your friends to see what zany creations you can make using a deep pot, cooking Oil of your choice, and anything you want to batter up and fry. Have a competition to see who can make the best recipe, or at the very least, award a “most creative” prize.
  2. Hit up your favorite local Burger restaurants because Dners aren’t known for the health benefits of their food, but no matter head to your favorite local grease bucket and load up on your favorite Hamburgers, Fries, Chips, Chicken Fingers, and anything else you choose. You’ll be supporting local businesses, too.
  3. For many, people Pizza is a dish strictly reserved for take out, delivery, or in-restaurant dining. But the reality is it’s really not hard to make a Cheesy, greasy Pizza in your very own oven. It requires a few different ingredients and a little bit of time, but with practice, you can start creating your own recipes to use on any day.

Why People Love National Greasy Foods Day

  1. One of the perks of making or eating greasy food is that it’s so simple to cook. Fries are basically chopped Potatoes, Oil, and whatever Seasonings you prefer. Bacon can be cooked in the oven, keeping the mess low, while fried foods only require one additional step. When food is delicious and easy to prepare, why not embrace it?
  2. While there is no specific evidence, Scientists believe our ancestors must have started cooking with Oil from Animal fats around the same time they started experimenting with fire, around 250,000 years ago. That’s a lot of time to perfect the ideal Fried Chicken Recipe.
  3. While fatty foods certainly wouldn’t make your doctor’s list of recommended eats, for a single day, you can indulge guilt-free on whatever greasy food you like best. Just remember it’s for a single day, and don’t make a habit out of eating greasy foods or your doctor will have the right to be frustrated with you.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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