October 17 Black Poetry Day #BlackPoetryDay

October 17 Black Poetry Day #BlackPoetryDay

The Mommies Reviews

When I was #Homeschooling Charlie one of the subjects Charlie studied was #Poetry. When Charlie was in school I didn’t know October 17th was Black Poetry Day #BlackPoetryDay which is fine because we should strive to learn something new everyday.

When Charlie is done streaming on his game I’m going to talk to Charlie about Black Poetry Day then we will look up #Poets he would like to know more about. For me I choose Maya Angelou. I wouldn’t be surprised Charlie doesn’t chose Martin Luther King Jr.

Before you ask what about David I had no, clue who he would pick if anyone which is why Black Poetry Day is a #teachingmoment for our family because we can share the Poetry with David. Would you like to join us and share your favorite #Blackpoet with us?

Again you may want to mark your calendar so you won’t forget Black Poetry Day is celebrated every year on October 17th. Black Poetry Day is used to honor all the talented African American Poets, both past and present.

If you’re a literature enthusiast, poet, or writer no matter your race you’ll absolutely love Black Poetry Day where you can celebrate black heritage and history. Did you know Black Poetry Day is celebrated in commemoration of the birth of the man popularly referred to as the father of African American literature, Jupiter Hammon, the first published black Poet in the United States of America. Black Poetry Day is a day to recognize the contributions of black poets to literature and celebrate the black experience as retold in Poetry.

In 1970, a folk musician, Stanley A. Ransom, proposed that October 17th be set aside as a holiday to celebrate black culture and literature. Black Poetry Day was created in 1985 to honor the birth of the pioneer Black Poet in the United States, Jupiter Hammon, and call attention to the literary works and accomplishments of African-American writers.

Jupiter Hammon was born during the time of slavery on October 17th, 1711, at the Lloyd Manor in Long Island. Jupiter Hammon’s masters, The Lloyds, allowed him to receive some education through the Anglican Church’s Society for The Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts.

Hammon took advantage of this education and created Poetry that was supported with layered metaphors and symbols. In 1761, when he was nearly 50, Jupiter Hammon published his first Poem called “An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ with Penitential Cries.”

As a respected preacher and clerk, his poems about slavery received wide circulation. Eighteen years after his first poem was published, Jupiter Hammon got a second poem published, “An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatley.” Wheatley was the first published black female Author and Jupiter Hammon admired her and encouraged her with a dedication poem.

Hammon recognized the need to support and encourage other black writers like himself, especially at a time where black writers rarely received the support their white counterparts did. Today, there are thousands of talented black poets around the world writing about both the shared black experience and their own unique experiences through different forms including written poetry, rap, and spoken-word poetry. While Black Poetry Day is celebrated throughout the United States, Oregon is the only State to designate it as a State holiday.

Black Poetry Day Activities

  1. There is no better day to support the many talented black poets around you than on Black Poetry Day? Pick up the works of a new black poet and share your favorite poetry from African American writers.
  2. If you have the opportunity and the means today donate to a black literary magazine.
  3. Allow people to discover underrated black poets by organizing a poetry reading or poetry slam and inviting everyone you know of to share there favorite Poems by black Poets.
  4. If you can’t organize a poetry slam, you can certainly attend a poetry slam and diversify your reading and learn more about the black experience and heritage by attending a poetry slam with predominantly black headliners.

Black Poets Whose Works You Need To Read

  1. Paul Dunbar: Was one of the first black Poets to gain national recognition in America and had already published some of his poems by the age of 14. You might have once heard or read the opening line of one of his most famous poems called “Sympathy”: I know what the caged bird feels, alas!
  2. Langston Hughes: is one of the fathers of the literary art form called jazz poetry. Langston Hughes wrote his first piece of jazz poetry, “When Sue Wears Red,” while he was still in high school.
  3. Gwendolyn Brooks: was the first African-American ever to win the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, for her poetry book “Annie Allen,” where she speaks about the life of an African-American girl growing to adulthood.
  4. Alice Walker: You probably know Alice Walker from her Pulitzer-winning novel, “The Color Purple” but Walker isn’t just a brilliant novelist; she is also a striking poet, whose works often comment on some of the experiences of black women.
  5. Maya Angelou: uses her captivating poetry to kickstart conversations on race, sex, oppression, and loss — her most famous poem is “On The Pulse of Morning,” which maya Angelou recited at the U.S. President Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1993.

Why We Love Black Poetry Day

  1. Discovering a talented new poet is always an exciting prospect and there is no better day for you to discover fresh new poets and poetry than on Black Poetry Day.
  2. The key to a balanced worldview is to listen to different voices. Black Poetry Day highlights diverse new voices to tell different stories than the ones we experience in our own lives.
  3. Black people are a historically marginalized group. When white writers were gaining global success, many black people were being flogged for simply learning to read or write in English whenever they could. Black Poetry Day allows us to celebrate the resilience of Black poets and recognize the achievements of Black writers around the world.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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