Homeschool Resource: National Checkers Day #NationalCheckersDay

The Mommies Reviews

September 23th is National Checkers Day #NationalCheckersDay and I wanted to remind you #boardgames are fun additions when #Homeschooling our children. I’ve put together a lesson plan you can use in your Studies. If you’ve used Checkers to teach your children leave me a comment and let me know how.

Checkers [note 1] (American English), also known as draughts (/drɑːfts, dræfts/British English), is a group of strategy board games for two players which involve forward movements of uniform game pieces and mandatory captures by jumping over opponent pieces. Checkers is developed from alquerque.[1] The term “checkers” derives from the checkered board which the game is played on, whereas “draughts” derives from the verb “to draw” or “to move”.[2]

The most popular forms of checkers in Anglophone countries are American checkers (also called English draughts), which is played on an 8×8 checkerboardRussian draughts and Turkish draughts, both on an 8×8 board; and International draughts, played on a 10×10 board – with the latter widely played in many Countries worldwide. There are many other variants played on 8×8 boards. Canadian checkers and Malaysian/Singaporean checkers (also locally known as dam) are played on a 12×12 board.



National Checkers Day, Board Games, Homeschooling, Draughts, Strategy Board Games, Two Players, Involve, Forward Movements, Uniform Game Pieces, Mandatory, Captures, Jumping, Opponent, Pieces, Red, Black, Queen, Alquerque, Checkered Board, Draughts, Verb, Draw, Move, Anglophone Countries, English Draughts, Russian Draughts, Turkish Draughts, International Draughts, Countries, Worldwide, Variants, Candian Checkers, Malaysian, Singaporean Checkers, Dam, Family-Game Time, Competition


Write your Spelling words 5 times each in ABC order inside your Spelling Journal.


Use your Spelling words in sentences or stories you create and include a illustration for the story you create and place inside your Spelling Journal.


Write your Spelling words inside your Spelling Journal and include a definition for each of your words.


Take a Pre-Spelling Test if you miss any words write them 10 times each in your Spelling Journal.


Re-take the Spelling Test if you didn’t make a 100 if you did do something fun related to Checkers with your family.


Charlie will be reading Win at Checkers or 24 Games You Can Play on a Checker Board for 30 minutes a day.

On Friday Charlie will be combining the facts into a report to read out loud to his parents.

To make the report more realistic dress up like pieces from the Checkers Game.

For a Field Trip visit a local Costume Store to see if they have a Checkers Costume or King and Queen Costume. Or visit a local Thrift Store or Vintage Clothing Store for a outfit to wear during your performance.

Write a description of your performance in your Drama Journal and include a photo of you in your performance.


Music: Looks up songs that might mention Checkers or write a song about Checkers to perform for your parents.

Write the lyrics to the song inside your Music Journal and include a photo of you performing the song for your parents.


Act out a live version of a Checker’s game and have the players dress in red or black but have a Crown and Robes for anyone who becomes a King or Queen to wear.

Take a photo for your Drama Journal and write out a description of your checker’s game inside your Drama Journal and include a photo of the game.

Art Class:

Using all the information you’ve collected create a piece of Art using different art mediums and supplies.

Take a photo of your Art Work and it to your Art Journal with a description of your work which will be displayed at your Art Show at the end of the year.

Cooking Class:

Create Cookies or Sandwiches in the shapes Checkers and a Checker Board to serve during some of your performance.

Write the recipes inside your Cooking Journal and include a photo which will be added to the Cookbook your creating at the end of the year.

If my daughter was here she would have wanted my sister to make her and Charlie a Checkerboard Cake which you can find here.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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