September 13 National Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day #KidsTakeOverTheKitchenDay

The Mommies Reviews

I must have been sleeping earlier in the week on September 13th which was National Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day #KidsTakeOverTheKitchenDay because you can bet your bottom dollar I would have put the kids in the kitchen cooking and spent the evening watching a movie with David.

Since we missed out on the 13th I plan on letting Mykalia and Charlie celebrate #KidsTakeOverTheKitchenDay this evening. David and I can spend time together which we need. Although, David is so tired and has to drive back and forth to Oklahoma this week that I may have David go to bed early and I will read my book. Would you like to join me?

National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day is a special day for children and adolescents to participate in cooking alongside their parents or guardians. Not only does National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day provide quality time for parents and kids, but it also gives them the perfect chance to learn one of the most essential life skills cooking! Everyone should know how to do. Shouldn’t they?

National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day was introduced to the world by the “Young Chefs Academy,” a cooking school franchise located in Texas. The academy offers children from ages four to 18 culinary classes, mini-camps, and birthday parties with the goal to empower them with culinary skills.

Based on archeological evidence, the art of cooking has been present for over a million years. Burnt bones and plant ashes found in the Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa point to the evidence of human control of fire from a million years ago.

Humans did little to prepare their food as hunter-gatherers collected fruits and plants that don’t require cooking. The flesh of animals was roasted or boiled and the cooking process was very simplified. I think I would pass on this meal. How about you?.

The early form of the kitchen surfaced during the Paleolithic era, about 200,000 to 400,000 years ago. The focal point of homes, these open hearths merely consisted of stones piled in a circle for building the fire. It wasn’t until around 200 years ago that the first partially modern cook stove was invented.

These cook stoves were designed in the 1790s by Benjamin Thomson, also known as Count Rumford. The stoves were essentially box-like brick structures with flat tops, through which pots could be lowered to the fire.

From being a bare necessity for survival, cooking has now become elevated to the realm of art and science, as new cooking techniques are invented and experiments are performed with the food we eat. There are millions of culinary institutions with the sole aim of teaching students how to cook and cook well!

National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day Activities

  1. Take the opportunity to sit back and allow your little ones to make you a meal this evening just make sure you supervise if they’re too young to cook the meal, let them be your little helpers.
  2. Ditch the cartoons or your usual show today and turn on a kids cooking competition and allow your kids to learn while being entertained.
  3. Take the chance to teach kids about the science of food and how it affects our bodies especially if your #Homeschooling because it can take the place of math, reading and science. Categorize the meals you eat into the various classes of food, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water.
  4. For health class study how to keep people safe in the kitchen and cleaning and sanitizing.

Shocking Culinary World Records

  1. Did you know at only 12 years old, Omari McQueen is the youngest multi-award-winning vegan chef and the youngest chef to land a cooking show.
  2. The world’s largest Cookie weighs 40,000 pounds!
  3. The world’s largest community kitchen serves a hundred thousand people a day in India.
  4. The longest amount of time spent cooking is 75 hours and was set by Maliha Mohammed.
  5. The largest audience to attend a cooking show is 6512 people set by Steffen Hensler’s live cooking show.

Why We Love National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day

  1. National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day is a great time for kids and parents to bond and spend quality time together completing an important task together fosters a sense of unity.
  2. Cooking is a language everyone understands though food looks different in every culture, it’s that one thing we all love. If you have the opportunity take a risk by trying out food from a different culture and you might be surprised by how much you like it!
  3. Though we live in the age of fast food, cooking is a lifelong skill that needs to be learned and by letting your kids participate in cooking it lets them learn the importance of cooking and appreciate all that goes into putting a meal on the table.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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