September 2 World Coconut Day #CoconutDay

The Mommies Reviews

September 2nd is World Coconut Day #CoconutDay. Looks like it might be time to bake something. What do you think about that? David says a Coconut Pie would be tasty. What do you think? I think we should make a Coconut Cake? What do you think?

Coconut is a popular fruit consumed around the world. Coconut is healthy and tasty, and Coconut grows in tropical regions. World Coconut Day celebrates everything that has to do with this delicious and nutritious Fruit!

Coconuts are a food that humans have found sustenance in for at least 2,000 years. Coconuts are probably native to Indonesia. Did you know the name Coconut translates to “Walnut from India”. While Coconuts would have traveled throughout the Indian subcontinent and even to Africa in the early years, they didn’t make it to Europe until some time around the 16th Century.

It is likely that Coconuts were introduced to Europeans through the Maritime Silk Road, which connected the East with the West. Marco Polo may have been one of the many travelers and explorers who would have brought Coconuts back with them.

When the Asia Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) was founded in 1969, it was created in an attempt to help support and promote the tropical Countries that are high in growing, producing, selling and exporting Coconuts.

Located in Jakarta, Indonesia, this group stays connected with the production and export of Coconuts. Sharing scientific expertise and coordinating activities within the industry, the members of the APCC are responsible for the growth of more than 90% of the Coconuts produced and sold all over the globe.

Founded in 2009, World Coconut Day was started by the Asia and Pacific Coconut Community to promote the activities of Coconut growers while raising awareness about the Fruit for those outside of the growing community.

The celebration of World Coconut Day offers plenty of opportunities for this important product of the Asia-Pacific region to enter into the forefront of conversation of people around the world! Getting involved with World Coconut Day is easy because all it takes is tasting and enjoying a Coconut.

Enjoy Eating a Coconut

Some people who haven’t grown up around a Coconut might be intimidated by its brown, hairy shell. But once a Coconut is broken into and the creamy white flesh is exposed, the Coconut is a fragrant delight to behold.

First, start by poking a hole in the Coconut at the end near the ‘eye’, where the shell is the thinnest. Use a screwdriver or hammer with a clean nail to make the hole. This will allow for the Water of the Coconut to be drained.

Pro Tip: Strain the Coconut Water through a cheesecloth and into a cup, and then drink the liquid up!

Once the juice has been drained out of the Coconut, one of the easiest ways to break open the Fruit is by using a handsaw to cut the Coconut in half. Other people might want to simply put the Coconut into a sturdy bag and bang it against a stone or concrete until the Coconut breaks just remember this method is a bit messy, but it works. Once the Coconut is open, remove the meat from the shell and enjoy eating the Coconut fresh!

Cook or Bake with Coconut

One way to enjoy National Coconut Day without having to go to the trouble of cracking open a Coconut is by purchasing Coconut in bags that are shredded or chipped. These Coconuts are often pre-sweetened and ready to be used in recipes. Since Coconut is a tropical Fruit, and the day falls at the end of the Summer, many recipes featuring Coconuts are cool and refreshing.

Consider cooking or baking with some of these recipe ideas to celebrate World Coconut Day #CoconutDay:

  • Coconut Cream Pie contains Coconut Flakes or Chips, Coconut Milk, heavy Cream and Eggs, and is topped with mounds of sweet Whipped Cream.
  • Coconut Ice Cream is so simple, all this recipes needs is 6 ingredients: Whipping Cream, Sugar, Vanilla, Milk, Salt and, of course, shredded Coconut.
  • Coconut Milk Pudding is similar to the consistency of Flan, but is made with Coconut Milk, Gelatin, Mango, Butter, grated Coconut, condensed Milk and other simple ingredients.
  • Coconut Rice Pudding is a special blend of Coconut Milk and Rice, which is delicious when served with a homemade Rhubarb Compote or Jam. The Coconut and Rhubarb flavors just meld together on the tongue!

Drink a Piña Colada

A classic tropical drink, the Piña Colada contains delicious ingredients like Pineapple Juice, Coconut Cream, Rum, Lime Juice and Ice, all blended together into a delicious frozen beverage. Throw the ingredients in a blender at home and mix the ingredients up. Garnish with a drink umbrella and skewer with red Cherries for a vibrant presentation.

Try Out Coconut Water

A fairly new product on the market, bottled Coconut Water can be found in many places around the world now. Did you know Coconut Water is actually the juice or liquid that comes from young Coconut Plants. Some brands of Coconut Water that might be worth trying out in celebration of National Coconut Day include Vita Coco, ZICO, Naked Coconut Water, and C2O.

Listen to Coconut Themed Music

One fun way to enjoy National Coconut Day is to enjoy songs that were written around the theme of Coconuts. Here is a few songs to get started making a tropical playlist just for National Coconut Day.

  • Coconut by Harry Nillson (1971) is probably the most famous song about Coconuts, the lyrics are “put de Lime in De Coconut and drink ‘em both togedder”.
  • Cocoanut Woman by Harry Belafonte (1957) was released on his album called “Belafante sings of the Caribbean”.
  • I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts by Merv Griffin (1950). features lyrics that make a story out of a Coconut toss at a fair, this song is a silly and playful classic from a bygone era.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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