July 25: National Wine and Cheese Day – #nationalwineandcheeseday

The Mommies Reviews

July 25: National Wine and Cheese Day – #nationalwineandcheeseday and I am so excited to share this Holiday with David because July 26th is David’s Birthday and he loves Wine. I was thinking we might go to a Wine Tasting which David would love a lot. Would you like to enjoy us and I will purchase dinner and dessert for everyone.

One of the most basic, yet classic food-and-drink pairings is Wine and Cheese. Sipping a tangy red or white glass of Wine between bites of a creamy, nutty Cheese on a Cracker is one of the most pleasant experiences around. That’s why freelance writer and wine lover Jace Shoemaker-Galloway created National Wine and Cheese Day on July 25th.

Now, we’re not talking just any Wine and any Cheese. Two-buck Chuck and sliced sharp Cheddar on a Ritz while watching Netflix is fantastic, but it’s fun to broaden out and socialize. Make National Wine and Cheese Day a day to get together with friends, bring out reds and whites, Chiantis, Ports, Blushes, and Champagnes along with Roquefort, Limburger, Gorgonzola and Mizithra, and spend time with your friends and family.


  1. Knowledge is power, and there are lots of ways to learn about what Wine-and-Cheese pairings you and others will enjoy. If you’re just getting started, Vinepair’s illustrated guide to pairing Wine is a fun way to get going, and if you have some experience, you may want to dive into Cheese expert Janet Fletcher’s sophisticated and extensive book Cheese & Wine: A Guide to Selecting, Pairing, and Enjoying.
  2. After you jot some notes as to what pairings might appeal to your taste, why not head out to your local Wine shop and get some tips from the owner? Alternatively, you can leave the tasty tactics to the experts by subscribing to a Wine-and-Cheese pairing subscription like Wine Down Box or Pastoral.
  3. Sharing is caring, so it makes sense to get social with your pairings. Bring friends together at either your home or a local Meetup focused on some of the best that the Wine and Cheese industries have to offer.


  1. You should get advice on which Wines are low in tannins. Which Wines can overpower your enjoyment of an accompanying Cheese. .
  2. airing a good quality Blue Cheese, Feta or Gouda with a dry Wine might induce a pucker and lessen your enjoyment.
  3. Top off Brie and Berries with a Merlot. Walnuts, Cheddar and a Cabernet are another winning combo.


  1. Wine and cheese are delicious together and most of this has to do with “mouthfeel” or the way foods feel in the mouth. Well-chosen foods that have opposite complementary tastes like the creamy, fatty flavor of Cheese vs. the rich, astringent flavor of Wine create a pleasant sensation and instill a tasty match in the mind.
  2. Researchers have found that eating Cheese while drinking Wine can actually improve the experience you get from both.
  3. Europeans have served Wine and Cheese produced in their regions or villages together for many generations. One of the more famous combinations are creamy Brie Cheese and light-bodied Beaujolais Red Wine from the Brie region in Northern France.
  4. The pairing of nutty Asiago Cheese and either rich Chianti or Oaky Brunello originates in the central Italian region of Tuscany.
  5. During the first World War, French soldiers were given a daily ration that included one Camembert Cheese and a half-pint of red Wine. That may seem indulgent for fighting rations, but it was done for a practical reason. Polluted Water supplies made bottled Wine safer for soldiers to drink.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates