July 15 National I Love Horses Day #NationalILoveHorsesDay

The Mommies Reviews

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July 15th is National I Love Horses Day #NationalILoveHorsesDay. My niece Lily loves Horses and I know she would enjoy riding a Horse and so would my sister. If Charlie was still #Homeshooling full-time we would have went on a Field Trip to a Stable or Horse Farm to learn about Horses and I would have brought Lily with us.

Instead Charlie and I plan on watching movies about Horses like Black Velvet and playing board games based on #Horses. Would you like to join us? Then we can make Cookies in the shape of Horses and I will be reading History of the Clydesdale Horses about Clydesdales my favorite Horses. Suzzie liked Paints and Charlie just likes Horses just like his dad. What about you. What horse do you like and why? Then come sing with us songs about Horses we found on YouTube..com

 National I Love Horses Day on July 15th, and we are not going to tell you to hold your horses because today is about going all out for horses. Horses are one of the most beloved and adored animals in the world. Horses are in fourth place on the list of the world’s most popular animals. Horses have been very important for humankind for a while now.

Horses having been domesticated since ancient times. Due to their versatility, horses are used in a variety of fields, from agriculture and transportation to entertainment. Horse racing and show jumping also see horses showing off in front of cheering crowds. Don’t forget the Rodeo and Circus.

National I Love Horses Day was created to highlight the importance of the animal in human history and development. Horses have been around for around 50 million years and horses were domesticated by nomads in 4000 B.C. The horse is believed to have originated from North America, with increased traveling and globalization taking it to other parts of the world.

These early horse breeds later became extinct on the American continent. According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System, today, there are many other horse breeds but all of them are believed to have descended from Equus Caballus, including the populations of feral horses in the wild. Horses have 350-degree vision and are extremely social. Horses roam around with their own species as well as other animals. Furthermore, their aptitude in socializing makes the horse as easy animals to breed.

In the old days, horses were domesticated and farmed for their meat and milk. The horse was an important source of sustenance in the central Asian steppes, where, to date, horses are bred for consumption. In some cultures, a mare’s milk was also fermented and enjoyed as an Alcoholic drink. As human populations increased and commercialization started taking over, horses began being used to cultivate the land and other general agricultural settings. Because of the strength and endurance they displayed, horses were also being used for the transportation of goods and people over long and short distances. Over the years, horse racing and show-jumping contests also gained the attention of the public.


  1. Horses and humans go way back. Show some love to these amazing animals that have been our companions in many fields. Horses have helped feed us, travel through familiar and unfamiliar terrains, and entertained us endlessly on the racing fields and stage.
  2. If you’ve never ridden a horse before, this is your chance to grab the opportunity. Book yourself a spot on a horse riding tour, and then just sit back and enjoy the ride. Feel the wind in your hair. Riding a horse is an experience you must try at least once.
  3. Find horse farms in your area and go and spend a day with horses and you will have the opportunity to help feed the horse, brush horses, and take horse for a trot or a light canter. Horses are friendly creatures and spending time with horse can be very therapeutic.


  1. Starting in around 7000 B.C., Dogs were one of the earliest domesticated animals, for reasons related to protection from other humans and animals.
  2. Historians trace the domestication of Pigs and Cattle back to around the same time Goats and Sheep were domesticated, but the former are believed to have been domesticated in communities that were already settled.
  3. Microfossil embryos of Chickens found in China are believed to be 60 million years old.
  4. Changes to the gene markers of an animal’s endocrine system can help them be less fearful of humans.
  5. Charles Darwin documented different behavioral patterns in domesticated animals compared to their non-domesticated relatives.


  1. While people do not need to introduce you to the incredible qualities of horses, here are some of their most beloved attributes: Horses, much like dogs, are loyal animals.
  2. Horse also have amazing stamina, strength, and speed that enable them to endure long distances without breaking a sweat.
  3. Horses are social creatures with a great ability to read and remember the people around them. While horse have helped humans in a number of areas, horse have also made great friends. Horses can understand when you are stressed, angry, or happy, and horses can comfort you when needed.
  4. If you want to trace the history of human civilization, researching horses is a good start. Horses has been an active participant in agriculture/farming, travel, transportation, entertainment, and warfare. People have been domesticating and employing horses for generations.

Lessons on Horses:

19 Beginner Horse Riding Exercises + Lesson Plans

The Horse: A Unit Study

I also would like to share board games on horses you can use if your Homeschooling or like to play Bard Games. My family will use these games on #FamilyGameNight and in the past we would have used them when #HomeschoolingwithBoardGames


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates