July 15 Guinea Pig Appreciation Day #GuineaPigAppreciationDay

The Mommies Reviews

July 15is Guinea Pig Appreciation Day #GuineaPigAppreciationDay. I was thinking my family might visit a Pet Store to check out Guinea Pigs and we would like to see if you would like to go with us. As a child I wanted a Guinea Pig and instead my dad got us Hamsters. Fast- forward to today and now Charlie would like to have a Guinea Pig but with the dogs David doesn’t think getting a Guinea Pig would be a good idea. If you have a Guinea Pig could Charlie and I come and see your Guinea Pig?

On July 16th, people across America celebrate Guinea Pig Appreciation Day to pay tribute to Guinea Pigs that stole the hearts of thousands of people. Yes, Guinea Pig’s are friendly pocket pets that can prove to be one of the best companions if treated right. Guinea Pigs are super social, too. If you haven’t ever had the chance to spend a day with a Guinea Pig, now is the time to give it a shot. We assure you, the experience will be memorable. Get in touch with an animal shelter or rescue in your area to learn about Guinea Pig’s/

Guinea Pigs are species of rodents that are adopted as pets due to their domesticated nature and cute appearance. However, Guinea Pigs were not always kept in homes. Guinea Pig’s were originally seen as livestock and their meat was consumed by people. Said to have originated from the Andes mountains of Peru, the animals were initially wild and had to be trained.

Though Guinea Pig’s were eaten by people, Guinea Pigs were also depicted in folk art and handicrafts created between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D. since certain civilizations worshipped them. People of the Inca Empire, on the other hand, sacrificed Guinea Pig’s to their Gods in order to please them. Needless to say, before Guinea Pigs became popular as pets, their existence meant several different things to people belonging to varying regions.

During the 16th Century, Guinea Pigs were imported to Europe and earned the reputation of exotic pets. Since Guinea Pig’s were unique to the land, they were owned only by the rich. In fact, Queen Elizabeth I of England is said to have been fascinated with Guinea Pigs. However, this status changed in the 17th Century when Guinea Pigs started being used for scientific experimentation due to their biological similarity with humans.

Guinea Pigs were the main test subjects before Mice and Rats came into the picture. It’s due to this historical background that ‘Guinea Pig’ is often used today when referring to a subject being used for experimentation. Today, Guinea Pigs are one of the most popular pets for children in the U.S. Which we all know.


  1. To celebrate Guinea Pig Appreciation Day, purchase or adopt a Guinea Pig. Just make sure you research how to take care of a Guinea Pig before you bring one home.
  2. Guinea Pigs are adorable and have such fun personalities! Guinea Pigs are also great for people with stress and basically anyone looking for a furry friend. Use Guinea Pig Appreciation Day to write all you can about the great characteristics of Guinea Pigs on a blog or Social Media accounts.
  3. You can also use GUINEA PIG APPRECIATION DAY to speak up against animal testing and the experiments conducted on guinea pigs. Yes, scientific evolution is important but not at the expense of Guinea Pigs.


  1. Did you know Guinea Pigs can learn to do fun tricks.
  2. Guinea Pigs are social and live in groups.
  3. here is a fun fact for you. Guinea Pigs have four toes.
  4. The oldest Guinea Pig lived up to 14 years and 10 months.
  5. There are 13 breeds of Guinea Pigs.


  1. Guinea Pigs are buddies that are easy to keep, don’t take up a lot of space, and do not demand hours of attention either.
  2. Guinea Pigs are great pets to keep if you want your children to grow up as pet lovers but lack the time and space to adopt a dog. GUINEA PIG APPRECIATION DAY is important since it tells us exactly why people need a Guinea Pig.
  3. GUINEA PIG APPRECIATION DAY helps in highlighting the personalities of Guinea Pigs and discusses why Guinea Pigs should be loved and cherished by anyone who owns them.

If your children are #Homeschooling or want to learn about Guinea Pig’s or thinking about getting a Guinea Pig I thought you may want to check out Guinea Pig Facts: Lesson for Kids | Study.com

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates