July 7 National Strawberry Sundae Day #StrawberrySundaeDay

The Mommies Reviews

Daivd and his dad are going to be so excited to find out July 7th is National Strawberry Sundae Day #StrawberrySundaeDay. If I had a way to the store I would have went and picked up the ingredients to make them and Uncle Mike a Strawberry Sundae. Before you ask what about Charlie and I we don’t do Strawberry Sundae’s but we would like to have some Ice Cream. Would you like to join us for dessert?

If you were to venture outside you would know it’s a hot Summer days that calls for a sweet, refreshing treat. National Strawberry Sundae Day is July 7th and there is no better way to escape the Summer heat than with a Strawberry Sundae.. There are many U.S. Cities that still battle over claiming stake as the birthplace of the Sundae in the late 1880s, but one thing is for sure, the Sundae is an American favorite.


  1. Summer days are for enjoying the hot weather with your family and friends. Invite people over for an evening full of Homemade Strawberry Sundaes! Ask each guest to bring there own strawberry Syrup which must be handmade. T Dust off you grandmother’s recipe book, or use your favorite recipe to cook up your own Strawberry Sundae. The fresh Strawberries make the Syrup so much better than the store bought versions.
  2. Kick off the weekend by putting together a “Strawberry Sundae Funday” themed happy hour which is a fun way to continue the fun from the previous holiday weekend and gets everyone excited for the week ahead.


  1. People are always looking for fun ways to stay cool during the hot Summer days, and Strawberry Sundaes are one yummy treat that helps achieve that while also taking care of that sweet tooth.
  2. Eating a Sundae could help you with your daily vitamin intake? Strawberries in your Sundae will add to your daily dose of vitamin C intake, making it much easier for you to indulge in this fruity creation.
  3. Chocolate and caramel Sundaes can become a bit too much after a few spoonful’s. The Strawberry Sundae provides that perfect balance between the candied sweetness and tartness that Strawberries offer.


  • 2 -4 tbsps. strawberry compote
  • 2-3 scoops ice cream of choice
  • ¼ cup whipped cream
  • 1 tbsp salted nuts, roughly chopped
  • 1 maraschino cherry
  • Sliced strawberries for garnish


  1. Add a scoop of ice cream to the glass, add 1-2 tablespoons of strawberry compote and some sliced strawberries. Repeat until all ice cream has been added to the glass.
  2. Top with whipped cream. 
  3. Sprinkle with chopped nuts.
  4. Top with a maraschino cherry. 
  5. Serve immediately.

Tips to make your Strawberry Sundae more fun

While preparing Ice Cream Sundaes, be sure to keep your Ice Cream in the freezer until the very last minute. If you pull the Ice Cream out first, it will get too soft while you prepare the other Sundae toppings. You can use our Homemade Strawberry Compote, or store bought Strawberry Sauce. You don’t need fancy dessert dishes to make Ice Cream Sundaes make them in a coffee mug, pint glass, or a regular Cereal bowl.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates