July 3 Compliment Your Mirror Day #ComplimentYourMirrorDay

The Mommies Reviews

Today is July 3rd which is Compliment Your Mirror Day #ComplimentYourMirrorDay. If your like me you avoid the mirror at all costs because you don’t feel comfortable in the way you look/ You never think about the mirror and complimenting it its the last thing on your mind. Today is the day to change that and thank our mirror for all it does for us.

Remember when you’ve got a big day coming or a challenge ahead, or are just feeling down in the dumps, it may be time to Compliment Your Mirror. Day after day we hear things that can tear down our personality and self-confidence, National Compliment Your Mirror Day is your reminder to show ourself a little love and remind ourself just how awesome we are. Don’t stop at today do it every day and soon it will become second nature and remind everyone you know to do the same.

We all need to learn to love ourselves a bit more, and this is what National Compliment Your Mirror Day is all about. We spend so much time sharing love with other people and complimenting them, but how much time do we spend making ourselves feel good? This is what National Compliment Your Mirror Day is all about. It is about telling yourself how incredible and amazing we are, because WE ARE! We all have our down days, and we all have things we don’t like about ourselves. That’s normal. Instead of focusing on these things, focus on the great things about yourself and what makes you amazing, because even if you don’t think so there is great things about all of us.

Depression and broken self-esteem are some of the most dangerous things to leave untreated and unacknowledged. Every year there are people who succumb to these horrible events, and while complimenting ourself in the mirror isn’t a remedy for these dangerous things, it can at least begin the process of building your feeling of self-worth through self-talk.

It’s important to know that National Compliment Your Mirror Day doesn’t just have to do with your physical, outer beauty, such a thing is surreal and certainly won’t last into your old age. But the person you are and how you approach the world certainly will, in fact it’s the only thing you’ll keep until your last days. So National Compliment Your Mirror Day means you need to recognize all of your inner strengths and inner beauties.

Mirrors have been around for a long time, time out of mind in fact, and the first ones were made of Obsidian, if you don’t count reflecting bowls as mirrors. They’ve always been recognized as having magical properties, and one of those magical properties involved making statements of intent into them and knowing they’d come true. National Compliment Your Mirror Day is your day to cast a spell over yourself by telling yourself how awesome you are.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates