July 2 I Forgot Day #IForgotDay

The Mommies Reviews

I don’t know if your like me or not but at times I get upset with people and a lot of times its over something stupid. I hold grudges and this is something we shouldn’t do. Today is July 2nd which is I Forgot Day #IForgotDay. I’m going to take today to make things right in my life and forget the people I feel who’ve wronged me and I would like to ask you to do the same. With a little bit of kindness spread by everyone we would have a much better place to live in.

I Forgot Day is celebrated each year on July 2nd and I Forgot Day is dedicated to forgetfulness. While we may be surrounded by calendars all around, whether physical or digital, we still forget. Are you prone to forget important dates, occasions, or tasks? Fret not, there’s a day you can celebrate that write it down, so you don’t forget it next time! 

This unusual holiday I Forgot Day was created by Gaye Anderson, from DeMotte, Indiana. Gaye Anderson started this holiday because there was a period in her life where she was having a hard time remembering simple things. Gaye Anderson was known in her core group and extended family to forget her own daughter’s birthday every year.

Not only that, but Gaye Anderson often forgot her wedding anniversary as well. However, instead of being bothered with her forgetfulness, she created I Forgot Day to just relax and well, forget. She also started celebrating her daughter’s birthday and wedding anniversary on July 2nd every year. The irony is that Gaye Anderson does not remember when she started celebrating I Forgot Day! 

A lot of people including Daivd can’t remember anyone’s birthdays or special events, and some have a list of things they have been meaning to do for ages, but they simply keep forgetting! However, several factors contribute to this, such as stress, a sedentary lifestyle, an unhealthy diet, illness, anxiety, etc. In fact, one of the most unusual causes for forgetting is walking through a door. Some Scientists believe that the brain perceives the world as a series of scenes or frames and passing through a door can make the brain deem the information from the previous room as largely unnecessary. 

I Forgot Day encourages people to apologize and make up for all the events and occasions they might have forgotten. I Forgot Day is the day to put an end to forgetfulness and create an action plan that will help you not forget. Then make a not of this Holiday so in the future you can celebrate it and if you forget things you can use this day to celebrate everything.


  1. I Forgot Day is a perfect opportunity to acknowledge you made a mistake in case you forgot something important. It’s perfectly alright to forget once in a while, what matters is we accept it and take measures to improve the situation.
  2. Have you forgotten something recently that negatively impacted someone and now you need to make up for it? Use I Forgot Day to write them a apology note, cook them a meal, or send them some flowers to make up.
  3. The invention of technology has made life simple in several ways. Our smartphones now have many reminder apps. If not, there are even quirky reminder journals out there. Whatever you’re comfortable with, get on to it and create reminders for important and upcoming events.


  1. According to experts, a person can hold approximately seven items in their short-term memory for only about 20 to 30 seconds. Did you know that because I didn’t but it would be a teaching moment for Charlie if he had still been #Homeschooling.
  2. 10-year-old Nischal Narayanam claimed the Guinness World Record for memorizing 225 random objects in a little over 12 minutes. Now Charlie wants to try this and see how many he can remember. Would you like to join us and see how many you can remember?
  3. A study states that a person’s ability to identify faces peaks between the ages of 30 to 34, after which it starts decreasing.
  4. Left-handers and their relatives have a larger corpus callosum linking the brain’s hemispheres and making their memories clearer. Shee I always told people Suzzane and I were smarter than them and no, I have proof because were left-handed. Are you?
  5. Scents get processed through the olfactory bulb, which is closely connected to the memory-holding hippocampus, thus bringing associated memories more vividly to the surface.


  1. Forgetfulness is often a natural tendency, especially if we are caught up in multiple tasks at once. I Forgot Day allows us to accept this natural tendency and helps us understand that it’s okay to forget sometimes and not be overcome with guilt.
  2. I Forgot Day helps us to become better by encouraging us to accept our mistakes and take necessary measures to improve. While it is okay to forget, what matters is how we navigate through the consequences of forgetting.
  3. I Forgot Day gives us a second chance to make up for the things that might have had consequences due to us forgetting. I Forgot Day lets you know that while you may have forgotten, it is not too late to make up for it.

Thank you,

Glenda Charlie and David Cates