June 18 National Go Fishing Day #NationalGoFishingDay

The Mommies Reviews

Last weekend was Father’s Day and we weren’t able to celebrate because David worked a double although we did go to a movie and out to dinner but Charlie wasn’t with us. So Charlie decided he would celebrate tomorrow just with his dad and they would go to a movie and out to lunch or dinner. David’s choice.

Only Charlie doesn’t like to be around people that much and he doesn’t care for movies. With today being June 18 National Go Fishing Day #NationalGoFishingDay and David has been asking Charlie to go #fishing with him I think I will purchase them fishing pools and the guys can go Fishing and no, you can’t go with them it’s a Father/Son Day and before you ask what did Charlie do for you for Mother’s Day. Nothing but its okay I know he loves me and he does stuff for me all the time.

National Go Fishing Day is celebrated annually on June 18th. National Fishing Day is a great day to take time from your daily routine to find a Stream, a Lake or Pond. The sit down and bait your hook, cast your line and catch a Fish or two (or ten).Did you know Fishing is a recreational pastime of many, and if you’re lucky, you can bring home Fish for tonight’s dinner.

During prehistoric times, Fishing was not a recreational activity but a food source for people. Thus, fishing became a commercial activity during antiquity, as evidenced by the discovery of Fish fossils dating back 500,000 years ago. These fossils suggest that the Homo habilis and Homo erectus were the first fishermen, usually catching Fish by hand. Similarly, traditions and myths dating back thousands of years also indicate fishing was a celebrated activity. 

Millennia later, in 3,500 B.C., the Egyptians started using spears, nets, lines, and rods to catch Fish from the Nile. Similarly, the Romans were major Fish consumers and traders in the Mediterranean Basin; they fished using nets and preserved Fish that wasn’t immediately consumed. Centuries later, during the Middle Ages in Europe, as feudal lords owned Rivers and Lakes, river fishing was regulated and permitted for people in religious communities. 

However, from the mid-11th century, innovation started to take hold, and thus, with the construction of ponds, Fish farming began. Later, in the 15th century, when ship designs were modified, the deep-sea fishing and Fish trade expanded. Fishers went further out to the Sea to catch Fish. Yet, it wasn’t until the appearance of the first Fish trawlers in the 17th century and later the harnessing of steam power in the 19th century that the fishing trade became a billion-dollar industry and a celebrated pastime. 


  1. If you own a boat, great! If not, ask one of your friends to go on a fishing adventure with you. Be sure to bring the bait! If the prospect of fishing fascinates you, conduct some research and find out what you need to get started.
  2. Bust out that Spotify app and make a go-fishing playlist that will ignite that inner fisherman inside of you.
  3. Although eating Fish isn’t the same thing as being out on the Water and catching your lunch, might as well visualize Fish with every bite at your favorite Seafood restaurant or equivalent. You can even defrost that Fish from Costco and enjoy a grilled Fish for dinner.


  1. Did you know there are more than 25,000 Fish species on the Earth.
  2. The Bristlemouth is about the size of a small Minnow.
  3. The oldest Fish-like animals had mouths, but their evolution stopped before the development of biting jaws.
  4. The Acadian Redfish is known as the Fish that lived longest.
  5. Fishes rest by floating in one place, wedging in mud or Coral, and hiding in their nests.


  1. The same thing can happen with any other activity, but with fishing – once you’re in the motion of things, you start acting in the present and usually start to talk about the things that matter most with the people that matter the most.
  2. Fishing gives you a chance to really disconnect from your work-life. By throwing a line in the Lake, and waiting for a snag, one can get lost in the experience, and work feels a million miles away. If you need space to think, fishing is the key and fishing can be a powerful time for reflection to connect ideas, follow random trains of thought, and meditate.
  3. We long to be challenged, but if we’re always challenged by the same thing – it can wear us down and burn us out. Fishing is great because it calls on a different set of skills and demands something entirely new from us. We get the satisfaction of rising to the occasion when our comfort zone is being pushed.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates