June 16 Turkey Lovers’ Day #TurkeyLoversDay

The Mommies Reviews

June 16th is Turkey Lovers’ Day #TurkeyLoversDay. II didn’t know this or I would have purchased Oven Roasted Turkey and Back Forest Ham with Cedder Cheese and different types of Bread and Bacon. When we went grocery shopping last night and for #Father’sDay we would have had Club Sandwiches with our favorite Chips and Dip. Would you have wanted to join us?

National Turkey Lovers Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June which falls on June 16th this year. It is dedicated to Turkey lovers across America. For those who believe that Turkey is something they can only have on Thanksgiving, this day is quite an eye-opener. There are plenty of exciting and mouthwatering recipes you can make with Turkey throughout the year. The fact that Turkey is rich in protein and low in fat also makes it a healthy option.

Compared to other national days, National Turkey Lovers Day is relatively new and was founded by the National Turkey Federation, an organization that has been promoting the use of turkey as part of America’s cuisine for the past eight decades, and Turkey Lovers’ Day was an important step in that direction.

There are many reasons why the National Turkey Federation decided to commemorate this day. Firstly, more Turkey is consumed outside of Thanksgiving Day than during this festival. Secondly, more people are opening up to having Turkey because of its nutritional value and rich taste. The NTF also feels that it has a responsibility towards turkey farmers and the industry in general since Turkey is an important part of the American food industry.

Even though the commemoration of National Turkey Lovers Day is not recognized by any law, the event has become quite popular simply because people love to have Turkey and want to try out different recipes that they can prepare with Turkey in the Summer.

Let’s Celebrate National Turkey Lovers Day

Organize a Barbeque and all the main dishes except for the sides must be made from Turkey including a Smoked Turky, Turkey Legs and Turkey Hamburgers and even Turkey Sausage for a breakfast entree.

Host a Cooking Contest

have the participants only make dishes that include Turkey in some way. From Sandwiches to Burgers the sky is the limit.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates