Promposal by R.H. Bird (Author)

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new teenage novel with you called Promposal by R.H. Bird (Author). I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the products you purchase.

First and foremost I loved the story which is a ya novel although for me it was a hard story to read but that had nothing to do with the story the author wrote but for things that have happened in my life personally. “Promposal” made me fell like a was a teen in the 90’s and the emotions that lead up to the high school prom. 

The Author included the following themes in the story including love, friendship, and second chances, and this was the Author’s debut novel. I hope there is a second novel to book. I liked how the author takes us on a journey into sixteen-year-old Luca’s mind and how the Author helped us feel his excitement and nervousness as the clock ticks down to prom and Luca tries to convince his ex-girlfriend Piper to go with him.

I wasn’t someone that went to high school in the 90s, but my sister did and I honestly felt like this story culd have happened when I was in high school in the 80s. Shhh I know I am older that dirt but as a teenager my best friend and I always read books like this and shared them with everyone I know. I know my friend Debbie would love the story as much as I did.

It will bring back nostalgic sights, sounds, and moods, from the first line of the novel which is “I loved the smell of detention in the morning–not really”.”” because I spent many a day in detention. Did you? If you want a short blurb to share about the book with your friends and family this describes the book perfectly “A romantic and enjoyable coming of age story about two adolescents falling in love with one another, then falling apart and then falling in love again … maybe!! Told from the guy’s perspective making it different from all other ya’s I’ve read.

My son is 16 and just now began to date and he didn’t have a prom because he is homeschooled but his friends did. I shared the book with Charlie and he liked finding out Luca, is a high school wrestler whose loyalty lies with his best friend Pablo as a confrontation brews with the football team. Add his ex-girlfriend, Piper, into the mix, and you’ve got one unpredictable prom night to look forward to. Charlie said the book reminded him of a bunch of his friends and he is glad I shared it with him as it helped him understand girls more.

David even read Promposal with us and David wanted me to let you know at times the book is humorous as it look into the mind of a sixteen-year-old boy who tries to make sense of teen girls. Charlie thought the 90s cultural references were fun and David and I thought they were a nice change before everyone became glued to their cell phones.

While the characters aren’t naive, there’s still an innocence underlying the story. Everyone is on the cusp of adulthood and wants to enjoy one last go at prom. In that sense, it has the feel of Pretty In Pink Charlie said and I could see that as well. My family hopes you check out Promposal as soon as possible.

About the book:

Sixteen-year-old Luca Esposito is in detention again.
“Guess who’s selling her prom tickets?” Nathan asked with a goofy grin.
“It’s Piper Kraft. Your ex.”
Luca’s heart stopped. They broke up ten months ago, but he can’t get Piper out of his mind. Could this be his chance to win her back? Just two problems: she hates him, and there are only twelve hours to prom.
The clock is ticking. Can he pull off the world’s most amazing Promposal and recapture the girl he loves?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates