June 13 National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day #NationalKitchenKlutze

The Mommies Reviews

I thought I would share a fun holiday with you this morning which falls on June 13th National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day #NationalKitchenKlutze. I don’t know about you but I’ve defiantly been a klutz in the kitchen not just once but a million times Infact I’m so dangerous I’m not allowed to use a knife which Charlie and David banned me from. Aren’t they nice.

When I cook and I’m supposed to cut something or even open something and I need to use a knife I’m supposed to call them and before you ask me if I call them no, its easier to and even faster to do things on my own than wait for them. So more times than not I end up hurt because I’m not a patient person. Are you?

I thought I would ask you a question. Have you heard of National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day? Did you know National Kitchen Klutzes Day is celebrated on June 13th every year? The Holiday was created to celebrate everyone has ever been a klutz in the kitchen. If your like me and Charlie you’ve dropped your favorite dishes on the floor or seasoned the Meat with Sugar instead of Salt. If you’ve burnt a Roast or cut your fingers while chopping Vegetables, then National Kitchen klutzes Da is for you. A reminder that all of us have been klutzes in the kitchen and that we should just laugh about it and yes, its okay to even cry and at times cuss a little.

There is no record of the origin or even the purpose of National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day but that hasn’t kept us from celebrating National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day. The reason why we celebrate National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day is that it is a fun way to recognize that we are all prone to bad days in the kitchen. From novice cooks to master chefs, everyone has been clumsy in the kitchen, and it really is part of the job. National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day reminds us that, in the kitchen or outside of it, problems and accidents happen to all of us and there’s no need to feel bad about it.

The kitchen is an essential part of every house and the kitchen is a room that is dedicated to cooking and storing food. A typical kitchen in America has a cookstove, cabinets, refrigerator, a sink with running water, a countertop, and sometimes even a dishwasher. Kitchens may also serve as a place to entertain, eat meals, and do the laundry because in some homes the washer and dryer end up in the kitchen. Why I don’t know. Do you?

There’s a huge market for kitchen decor and appliances and it’s not unusual for homeowners to renovate their kitchen every few years. Public kitchens are found in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, cafeterias, and goodwill centers. Public kitchens serve multiple people at once and have a broad selection of food items to choose from. While a private kitchen is exempt from health laws, public kitchens may be required to adhere to public health laws.

National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day is celebrated on June 13th every year to celebrate all of us who have ever been a klutz in the kitchen. Many

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates