Alienated When Parents Won’t Parent by Lisa Goodpaster (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

I thought I would share a self-help book for parents thinking of getting a divorce called Alienated When Parents Won’t Parent by Lisa Goodpaster. I received a copy of the book in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Alienated When Parents Won’t Parent is Lisa’s book which is inspired by her real-life experiences. Lisa’s parents parted ways when she was young. Her stepmother alienated her from her mother. As I read the book I thanked my lucky stars my parents didn’t divorce until my siblings and I were grown. Knowing my mom the way I do and things she did I could see her alienating us from our dad and he is the person we would need to be with because he was more stable.

Lisa Good Paster, is a child of alienation a and unlike me she has actual proof of her alienation! I love how well documented this book is on sharing the life of an alienated child. Lisa has included what parents should and shouldn’t do, as well as stepmothers/step parents. I believe all school teachers, psychologists, law-enforcement, as well as the Judiciary and family law attorneys should have mutiple copies of this book to share with people they come into contact with.

 Alienated When Parents Won’t Parent is a “must read” for all parents, especially those thinking of getting a divorce. Lisa takes us through her chilling childhood as she navigates the world of parental alienation, abuse and deprivation alone. Lisa discusses the emotional, physical and psychological costs she suffered silently at the hands of a predator.

Lisa provides valuable insight and solutions towards creating healthy and supportive environment prioritizing children, especially after divorce. Lisa’s deep dive into the painful revisiting of her traumatic childhood is a powerful message for all parents on the dangers of not co-parenting. I will be sharing this book with everyone I know and you should do the same.

About the book:

This gripping read will floor readers with a child’s view of the hurt parental alienation can cause even into adulthood. But it is Lisa’s story of transformation and healing that will give the reader’s hope. Parental Alienation will break your heart, but the truth will set you free.
—Ginger Gentile, director of the Erasing Family Documentary

Lisa Goodpaster’s book Alienated When Parents Won’t Parent gives the play by play of her alienator’s game exposing the secretive strategies she used and gives us a personal glimpse of the effects this type of child abuse has on the innocent bystander child who is used as a pawn to harm the other parent. This book is groundbreaking work from a true trailblazer in the field of conquering parental alienation.
—Jennifer Szeghi, The Alienator’s Chess Game Podcast Host, Reunification Specialist, Parenting Coordinator, Co-parenting Coach & Owner of Successful Parenting, LLC

My parents’ divorce and the consequences of not protecting me left me sad, lonely, disappointed and unimportant—like a sacrificial lamb. I rebelled and had to learn to defend and protect myself. I acted it out by getting angry, and I did and said whatever I needed to say and do to keep myself safe. I ignored my needs and protected everyone, and I expected everyone else to handle my emotions.

I had over four hundred survival patterns, which turned into long-term survival patterns. When we are operating in a pattern state, we are not living our authentic selves; rather, we are reactive, suppressing, numbing ourselves, and overthinking. This was for me how I imagine it’s like for most alienated kids.

I was angry and unprotected, and my parents’ inability to co-parent and their lack of awareness became the danger that allowed my stepmom to write and do what she did.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates