Life Skills for High School Teens: A Teen’s Guide to Strategies for Stress Reduction,Substance Abuse Prevention,Your Safe Digital Footprint, and so much More (Life Skills for All Teen’s Book 1) 

The Mommies Reviews

Life Skills for High School Teens: A Teen’s Guide to Strategies for Stress Reduction, Substance Abuse Prevention, Your Safe Digital Footprint, and so much More (Life Skills for All Teen’s Book 1) is a new book I was blessed to find through the Author and he is running a free book promotion on Amazon that will run through Saturday June 7.

If you have children please check out Life Skills for High School Teens and share it with your friends and family. Even though Charlie has graduated and isn’t in High School any more and most of his friends are out I still plan on reading the book with my family to help prepare Charlie with this world we live in.

Discover how you can bring on your teen A game… and confidently conquer every challenge that comes your way!
Do you feel like you’re caving under all the pressure that seems to be coming from everywhere, all at once—from your friends, family, teachers, and worse of all… yourself?

Have your mental health and well-being been pushed aside while you tirelessly try to keep up with the utter chaos your life has turned into?

Do you wish you had some hack to ace your academics, skip all the drama… and actually enjoy being a teenager?

The good news is… you don’t need to count down the days before your graduation to escape the nightmare you’re in

With the right tools, you can turn your situation around and regain control over your life!

Start with this easy-to-read book filled with practical advice and information to help you not just scrape through but truly shine during your teen years.

Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover:

  • The secret to saying no to your friends without being labeled as no fun.
  • How to master the number one skill you need to be an expert communicator and connect with anyone and everyone.
  • A look into your complex teenage brain and how to make sense of it—and keep those negative thoughts out
  • Tried and tested stress busters to get you back in the right headspace in five minutes or less!
  • An all-in-one guide to staying on top of your academics so you can get into your dream college… and shine in your dream career!
  • How to crack the code to living a drug-free lifestyle and weed out poor life choices you’ll regret forever
  • A breakdown of your legal rights and responsibilities as a teen, so you won’t have to learn “ignorance of the law is not an excuse” the hard way.
  • Everything you want (and need!) to know about sex but were too embarrassed to ask.

And so much more.

Now, you might be doubting whether one book can help make this phase of your life more bearable, but you’ll be surprised just how big a difference knowing the correct information and developing the proper mindset can make!

Your future starts today! Take your first step toward becoming the prosperous, secure, and happy young adult you’ve always wanted to be!