May 30 National Hole In My Bucket Day #HoleInMyBucketDay

The Mommies Reviews

I had meant to post this during the week but things got in the way but I still wanted to let you know May 30th is National Hole In My Bucket Day #HoleInMyBucketDay. Charlie and I will be listening to the song this week even though his classes have officially ended for Homeschool because it allows Charlie to listen to a new genre of music and to sing a song from his childhood. Would you like to join us and listen to a song or two.

If your Homeschooling your children National Hole In My Bucket Day is a fun Homeschool Resource for music class and even art class as the students can design there own bucket with a hole or two in it. For Science class fin d a old bucket and poke a pinhole and see how much water you lost and keep making the hold bigger and bigger and measure how much water you lose and how fast.

National Hole In My Bucket Day falls on May 30th. National Hole In My Bucket Day pays homage to an old children’s song that goes by the same name. The song ‘There’s a Hole In My Bucket’ originated in Germany in the 1700s. A Hole In My Bucket describes a deadlock situation where the character, Henry, faces problem after problem all due to a hole in his bucket.

Henry attempts to find a solution through his friend Liza’s advice, but he is unsuccessful in coming up with a solid plan. The children’s song is filled with quirkiness and has been enjoyed by many over the Centuries. There have been several versions of the song, too and some add adult elements to the song while others are politically satirical.

There’s no record of when exactly the first National Hole In My Bucket Day was celebrated, but that does not deter us from celebrating the day in all its grandeur. The holiday is commemorated in honor of the children’s song, ‘There’s a Hole In My Bucket.’ Did you know the earliest version of the song can be traced back to a 1700s collection of German songs, called “Bergliederbüchlein,” and it is in this version that only Liza’s name (Liese) is mentioned while the other character remains unnamed.

As the years went by, Henry’s name was added to the verses, and the song was renamed ‘Heinrich und Liese.’ With the spread of literacy and globalization, the song went on to gain popularity in various other European Countries, spreading as far as the North American continent.

The lyrics to ‘There’s a Hole In My Bucket’ are of a conversation between Henry and Liza. Henry tells Liza about the hole in his bucket and he is advised to fix it using a straw. However, for the straw to be of any use, he needs to cut it, but all he has is a dull knife, which needs to be sharpened on a wet sharpening stone.

And in order to get the water, he needs to have a functional bucket on hand in the first place. This interesting tale of conundrums makes for an entertaining activity with its rhymes and poetic meters. People celebrate the day by either fixing the holes in their own buckets or recycling the faulty buckets by using them to pot plants or by making umbrella stands out of them.


  1. Gather the children in your life to sing There Is A Hole In My Bucket and you can make fun activities for the day by preparing snacks, contests, and other famous children’s songs because this is bound to revive some of your own childhood memories.
  2. Make good use of your holey buckets by recycling them and remember they can act as homes for plants or storage spaces for a number of things. Unleash your creative side by decorating the holey buckets with paint, sequins, craft paper, then you will you have a new decoration piece for your home.
  3. Use #NationalHoleInMyBucketDay to spread information about National Hole In My Bucket Day and let other people join in on the fun because, after all, the more, the merrier.


  1. Approximately ⅓ of the waste generated in the U.S. is of organic material like grass and food.
  2. Using compost instead of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides can reduce the energy it takes to produce crops.
  3. Studies show that the amount of carbon dioxide produced by food wastage is similar to the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the U.S. and China.
  4. The aluminum metal can be recycled multiple times without it losing its quality.
  5. By recycling plastic, you can save twice the energy it takes to incinerate this material.


  1. Who wouldn’t want to revisit their childhood through indulging in childhood songs and rhymes which is worth remembering the dreamy atmosphere of the classroom when everyone sang the song, many off-tune, for pure merriment and joy.
  2. Apart from the general entertainment that the song provides, there Is A Whole In My Bucket which also delivers an important lesson about recycling. Recycling not only saves precious resources for current and future generations, but it also makes us appreciate Mother Nature and her gifts more.
  3. The world is too serious as it is, what with all the social, economic, and environmental issues. Sing the song to take a breather for a few moments and bring some fun into your daily routine.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates