5 Tips for getting the most out of your Instagram

The Mommies Reviews

Instagram is a powerful tool for business. It’s the fastest-growing social network in the world, and it has over 500 million active users. If you’re looking to grow your company’s presence on Instagram, Instagram tips and guides from The Techno Tricks can help you get started.

“Add the right hashtags to make it easier for your target audience to find you”

When it comes to hashtags, there are two types of people: 

  • Those who like them.
  • Those who don’t. 

If you’re in the first group, adding relevant hashtags will help your posts get discovered by the right audience.The best way to determine what kind of hashtag is right for you is by analyzing what content you have already posted on Instagram and seeing which ones get most engagement. 

For example, if I post a photo of my dog and use #puppies then it might be best not to add any other kind of hashtag because many people won’t know what they’re looking at (and might jump from one post into another). 

In contrast, if my last post was about how great food tastes when paired with wine or beer then adding only one word like “food” may seem silly since there are already so many other options available.

“Put your story on highlight mode and make your profile more attractive to visitors”

When it comes to Instagram, your story is the most important part of your profile. It’s where you want visitors to see all of the things that matter most like photos and videos that showcase what makes you unique, interesting people or places.

If you want to create an enticing profile for potential followers and customers, then

  • Add a highlight on your story. 
  • Highlights are like mini-stories within your main feed (which is also known as “public”). 
  • They’re great because they allow users to follow along with what’s happening in real time without having to scroll through hundreds of posts from other accounts at once.
  • It’s like being able to peek into someone else’s life through their eyes instead of just reading about them after the fact. 
  • Plus when it comes time for someone else’s highlight video or photo post featuring yours too then there will already be plenty more content available online so everyone wins.

“Don’t forget to include a CALL TO ACTION in your post description”

When you post on Instagram, it’s important to include a CALL TO ACTION in your post description. This will help you direct users to specific pages or actions on your website so they can get more out of their visit.

Examples could include:

  • A blog post link (this is a great way to entice people who are already following you)
  • An ebook download link (to make it easier for people who don’t want or need the book but want something new)
  • A landing page with instructions on how they can sign up for future emails (if this is what they’re looking for).

“Optimize your bio section by adding relevant keywords”

In the past, Google’s algorithm has been known to favor content with a high level of quality. This means that if you can optimize your content for keywords, it will be seen in front of more users who are looking for those same terms.

To do this:

  • Find relevant keywords related to your business or product and use them in your bio section (or anywhere else on Instagram). For instance, if you sell dog food then include “dog food” as one keyword. 
  • This will help get more likes from people who are interested in dogs but not necessarily buying from you specifically
  • It’ll also increase SEO rankings by making sure that when other users search for “dog food” they see relevant images from yours rather than just generic ones like “looking cute.”

“Put a link in your bio and drive traffic from Instagram to your website”

  • Put a link in your bio.
  • Make sure the link is easy to see and click.
  • Make sure the link is relevant to your post, so if you’re promoting an event or product, make sure you’re linking back to it from your bio (and not from elsewhere).
  • Ensure that when people click on the link they’ll be taken directly to the page they need not just another page without any relevant information on it.

These quick tips can help you grow more followers

  • Be consistent.
  • Use hashtags in your posts, and include the hashtag in your bio. This will help you reach new people who are interested in what you’re posting.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Avoid unnecessary details or long stories that don’t apply directly to what’s going on at that moment. You want to focus on what’s most important for each post and if that means leaving out some details, then go ahead. 
  • Just make sure they’re relevant enough for someone who might be interested in following along with them (and not just reading through everything).


As you can see, there are a lot of ways to optimize your Instagram profile for growth. But if you do these five simple things, you’ll be well on your way to more followers and engagement. Don’t forget that the best way to increase your reach is by having high-quality content that people want to share with their friends on social media platforms like Instagram. So keep building out your audience and stay focused on what matters most, being creative so they’ll want to engage with what you have to offer.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates