May 4 National Orange Juice Day #NationalOrangeJuiceDay

The Mommies Reviews

May 4th is National Orange Juice Day #NationalOrangeJuiceDay and in our home I always try to have Orange Juice in our Ice Box because it allows me to get Vitamin C we all need. The only problem is Charlie and David don’t drink Orange Juice the way I think they should How about you. Do you drink orange Juice if so how many times and why. Today is also Star Wars Day and my sister’s birthday. Would you help me wish her a Happy Birthday before Charlie and I go study Star Wars in our Homeschool Classes this morning.

Orange Juice is one of the most popular breakfast drinks in America and Orange Juice gets the love and appreciation it is due here, on National Orange Juice Day! Simple and delicious, Orange Juice is beloved by so many and, without adding Sugar, Orange Juice is also fairly healthy as well.

Prior to the 1920s, Orange Juice was a bit of a luxury because Orange Juice is required to having access to fresh Oranges, which could be difficult to find during that time. Unless a person lived in Florida where Orange trees grow on almost every corner and in everyone’s yard. But fortunately, as flash-pasteurization and the canning process became more possible, Orange Juice started becoming readily available to people all throughout the United States.

Orange Juice is the official beverage of the state of Florida, and Orange Juice already gets a decent amount of attention. But on National Orange Juice Day, it’s time for the whole Country to get involved in celebrating this delicious and nutritious beverage. If you aren’t busy this morning would you like to have a glass of Orange Juice with me?

How to Celebrate National Orange Juice Day

Set aside some time on National Orange Juice Day to learn a bit more about Orange Juice and show some additional appreciation for Orange Juice and get started with some of these ideas for celebrating:

Enjoy a Glass of Orange Juice

While it may be true that Orange Juice is a drink that could be enjoyed every day. It’s vitally important to be sure to pour and enjoy a tasty glass of Orange Juice in celebration of National Orange Juice Day. In fact, pour two glasses one to share with a friend, and then pay respect to the day by making a little toast in honor of Orange Juice.

Try an Orange Juice Taste Test

National Orange Juice Day would be a great time to find out exactly which Orange Juice is the best by arranging for a taste test. To make it even more interesting, be sure to include friends, family or coworkers in the taste test. Start by purchasing several different brands of Orange Juice, whether freshly squeezed, canned or from concentrate. Serve the different types of Orange Juice and see which wins the approval of the group!

Learn the Health Benefits of Orange Juice 

Orange Juice can be a bit high in calories, and the fresh squeezed variety (with pulp) allows for more fiber and less Sugar. On National Orange Juice Day, consider some of the reasons a glass of Orange Juice can be good for you: 

  • Nutrient Rich Orange Juice is filled with several nutrients that are important for health, including protein, Vitamin C, Folate, Magnesium and Potassium.
  • Prevent oxidative damage by consuming foods like Orange Juice which can fight off free radicals that can cause Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more.
  • Orange Juice may provide benefits that fight against heart disease, including lowering cholesterol and reducing blood pressure. 
  • Some studies have suggested that drinking Orange Juice can help with reducing inflammation, which is a marker for many illnesses and diseases. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates