7 Ways to Use Crystals for Your Overall Well-being in 2024

The Mommies Reviews

Are you trying crystal therapy for spiritual and emotional growth? If so, you are definitely going the right way in life! 

Crystals have been used for their healing properties for a long time. Whether it is emotional well-being or physical ailments, there are different ways to use crystals for your well-being. 

But knowing how to use crystals for beginners can be a challenge! 

Setting the intention to use the crystals correctly can be a challenge if you are new to crystal therapy. Additionally, with each stone differing in energy, beginners often fail to use the crystals optimally. 

But should that stop you from the transformation healing crystals provide? The answer is no! Here are seven ways to use crystals to benefit your overall well-being. 

  1. Meditation

At the heart of many spiritual practices lies the art of meditation, a powerful tool for quieting the mind, deepening self-awareness, and connecting with the divine. 

Incorporating crystals into meditation can amplify its effects and elevate your experience. 

Choose a crystal that resonates with your intention or desired outcome, such as amethyst for clarity and intuition, rose quartz for love and compassion, or clear quartz for amplifying energy. 

Hold the crystal in your hand or place it nearby as you meditate, allowing its energy to guide you into a state of deep relaxation and spiritual connection.

  1. Chakra Balancing

The chakras, or energy centers, play a vital role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Focusing on chakras is another way to use crystals for beginners. 

When the chakras are balanced and aligned, energy flows freely throughout the body, promoting health, vitality, and harmony. 

Crystals can be used to balance and activate the chakras, helping to remove blockages and restore energetic equilibrium. 

Choose crystals corresponding to each chakra, such as red jasper for the root chakra, citrine for the solar plexus chakra, or lapis lazuli for the throat chakra. 

Place the appropriate crystals on or near each chakra point while lying down or sitting comfortably, allowing their energy to cleanse, activate, and harmonize it.

  1. Crystal Grids

Crystal grids are robust geometric arrangements of crystals designed to amplify energy, manifest intentions, and facilitate healing. 

By strategically placing crystals in specific patterns or formations, you can create a synergistic energy field that magnifies the effects of individual crystals and enhances their collective power. 

To create a crystal grid, select crystals that align with your intention and arrange them on a sacred space or altar in a geometric pattern, such as a flower of life, a spiral, or a star. 

Activate the grid by connecting the crystals with a wand or finger, and infuse it with your intention through visualization or affirmation. 

Allow the grid to work magic, amplifying your intentions and supporting your spiritual journey. If you want to learn more about it, free energy healing classes can be helpful! 

  1. Wearable Healing

Carrying crystals with you throughout the day is an excellent way to benefit from their healing properties and maintain a connection with their energy. 

Wear crystals as jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, or rings, to carry their energy with you wherever you go. 

Choose crystals that resonate with your intentions or support your spiritual journey, such as turquoise for protection and purification, selenite for clarity and cleansing, or moonstone for intuition and feminine energy. 

Throughout the day, connect with the energy of your crystals by holding them in your hand, rubbing them between your fingers, or simply wearing them close to your body. 

Allow their vibrations to uplift your spirits, balance your energy, and enhance your overall sense of well-being.

  1. Water Infusions

Water is a powerful conductor of energy, capable of absorbing and transmitting the vibrations of crystals. 

By infusing water with the energy of crystals, you can create a potent elixir for spiritual healing and transformation. 

Choose crystals that are safe for water contact and align with your intention, such as amethyst for spiritual connection, rose quartz for emotional healing, or citrine for abundance and prosperity. 

Place the cleansed crystals in a glass or bottle of purified water and allow them to sit for several hours or overnight to charge the water with their energy. 

When ready, drink the crystal-infused water to nourish your body, mind, and spirit with the healing properties of the crystals.

  1. Energy Clearing

Just as crystals can absorb and transmit energy, they can also be used to clear and cleanse energetic imbalances in your aura and environment. 

Choose crystals with purifying properties, such as black tourmaline for protection, selenite for cleansing, or smoky quartz for transmutation. 

Wave the crystals around your body or the space you wish to clear, visualizing them absorbing and dispelling negative energy while infusing the area with light and positivity. 

You can also place crystals in key areas of your home or workspace to create a protective barrier against unwanted energies and promote a sense of peace and harmony. 

  1. Healing Layouts

Creating healing layouts with crystals is a powerful way to target specific areas of imbalance or discomfort in the body, mind, or spirit. 

Select crystals that resonate with your healing goals and arrange them on or around the body in a pattern or formation that supports your intention. 

For example, you might place amethyst on the third eye chakra for spiritual insight, rose quartz on the heart chakra for emotional healing, or black tourmaline at the feet for grounding and protection. 

Lie comfortably and allow the crystals to work their magic, facilitating healing, release, and transformation on all levels of your being.


Crystals are extraordinary tools for spiritual healing, transformation, and growth. 

Incorporating them into your spiritual practice can tap into their potent energy and unlock profound levels of insight, healing, and empowerment. 

Whether you’re meditating with crystals, balancing your chakras, or creating crystal grids, there are countless ways to harness the power of these sacred stones for your spiritual journey. 

Experiment with different crystals, techniques, and intentions to discover what resonates most deeply with you, and allow the magic of crystals to illuminate your path to wholeness and well-being.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates