April 14 National Dolphin Day #NationalDolphinDay

The Mommies Reviews

Today is April 14 National Dolphin Day #NationalDolphinDay and this is another Homeschool Resource Charlie and I can study through reading books about Dolphins and even taking a Field Trip to see Dolphins up close. Would you like to go with us? Once we get home we can make Cookies in the shapes of Dolphins in Charlie’s Homeschool Cooking Class. Would you like to back Cookies with us?

National Dolphin Day, is a Holiday that falls on April 14th. Flipper, the TV Dolphin would be so proud to know that National Dolphin Day is in honor of him and his fellow aquatic friends. Flipper was the star of a television show bearing his name Flipper. Flipper, the heroic Dolphin, debuted on September 19, 1964, and ran through 1967.

But, National Dolphin Day is not just about Flipper this holiday is about all Dolphins. While we think of Dolphins as Fish, Dolphins are actually Mammals. Dolphins are friendly and intelligent. Dolphins are easily trained to do a variety of things and readily interact with humans. Dolphins live in shallow waters and continental shelves, leading to frequent sittings and human contact. Growing from 4 to 30 feet long, a Dolphin’s main diet is Fish and Squid.

Today being called National Dolphin Day should surprise many of us that today is called a “National” day, because there are many Dolphin-themed events and educational programs around the world on today. It seems like everyone around the world loves Dolphins. So, this would be better titled as an International Holiday than a National Holiday. What do you think?

LET”S Celebrate National Dolphin Day

  • Visit a Aquarium to see Dolphins.
  • Read books about Dolphins
  • Watch the old television show “Flipper”.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates