March 4 Marching Music Day #MarchingMusicDay

The Mommies Reviews

Come join Charlie and I this morning as we celebrate March 4 Marching Music Day #MarchingMusicDay which we will be researching Marching Music to listen to in Charlie’s homeschool music class then we will also celebrate march Forth and Do Something Day #MarchForth as we practice marching to the music.

Marching is exercise for me and for David is a new PE Class and we can get outside with our phones play music and march through our neighborhood. Would you like to go with us? Then we can come in and bake cookies in the shape of instruments used when creating marching music in Charlie’s homeschool class. Would you like to join us?

March Forth is an annual unofficial holiday celebrated on March 4 to encourage everyone to work towards achieving their dreams. It aims to provide an opportunity for people to take calculated risks towards achieving their goals and developing themselves. It is a special day to take a stand against procrastination or the faux reasons that tend to creep into our heads and discourage us from even trying. The name was made up as a homophone of the day ‘March Fourth.’ It is also the shortened version of the full name — ‘March Forth and Do Something Day.’ 

National Marching Band Day on March 4 celebrates the ‘march’ music genre, which features a r rhythm expressly written for marching to and most frequently performed by military bands. Marching Music Day serves as a day to honor the dedicated musicians and composers of the sounds as well as its performers. Marching Music Day is said to be celebrating all varieties of art forms that bring us “music on the move.” For Centuries, the rhythm of the ‘march’ music genre has kept military units moving in unison. From the training field to the battlefield, football stadium, to the Broadway stage, marching music delights performers and spectators alike.  


The origin of National Marching Band Day can be traced to the founding of Drum Corps International (D.C.I.) by 13 founding member organizations that wanted to govern and standardize marching bands competitions throughout North America. 

Marching Band Day acts as a governing body for junior drum and bugle corps and is responsible for developing and enforcing rules of the competition and for providing standardized adjudication at sanctioned competitions throughout the United States and Canada. D.C.I. founded Marching Music Day to celebrate marching music as an “engaging and ever-expanding art form around the world.” 

The ‘march’ music genre contains powerful rhythms in a regular pattern, this makes the genre suitable for marching. Military bands use this music as it expresses the motion of their march. As mentioned, Marching Band Day is in celebration of the different art forms that bring us “music on the move.” Although the genre of music has strong military roots, its usage has evolved into an art form used to move us during somber memorials and thrill us in times of relief. 

For centuries, the rhythm of the ‘march’ music genre has kept military units and different other bands moving in unison as they are performed in auditoriums and grand arenas to spectators’ delight. From small parades to impressive spectacles, fifers, pipers, buglers, drum corps, marching bands, parade groups, drill teams, and color guards bring this genre of music to life and audiences to their feet, blaring an enthusiastic roar.


  1. One way to celebrate Marching Music Day is to support a marching music group by making a contribution to your favorite drum corps, through support to your local high school, or community marching performing arts ensemble.
  2. Share your experience of the excitement of watching or performing in a marching music group with people online. Tag your posts with #MarchForth and #MarchingMusicDay.


  1. March fourth’ was specifically picked to be the date of the holiday because it’s for ‘March forth’.
  2. Drum Corps International, the founders of Marching Music Day, was established by 13 original founding member organizations.
  3. D.C.I. limits the age of participants to “21 years and younger.”


  1. The charade and march and trumpets all work together to create an atmosphere of excitement we all love. There’s no better place to be than where marching music groups are performing.
  2. Marching bands performances would typically bring audiences to their feet blaring an enthusiastic roar. Their parades follow such synchronized choreographed moves which would ordinarily be difficult to recreate alone

March 4 March Forth and Do Something Day #MarchForth

March Forth was born out of the numerous stories of people giving up on their goals due to procrastination and sheer lack of motivation. March Fourth encourages support for anyone who may need a little nudge to help kickstart and go full steam on their goals. March Fourth is observed for the same reason its name alludes to, marching forth, and March Fourth is one of the few unofficial holidays that serve an important purpose of helping to guide our path. 

One interesting thing and perhaps an unintended consequence of the date of the holiday is that march Fourth comes off the back of some significant holidays celebrated in the months prior to March Forth Day, including Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is in January, and February’s Black History Month. This is perhaps why some believe March Fourth is an opportune time for Americans to “march forth” towards unity and reflect on the dark history of early human rights struggles to avoid reliving it. To these people, March Forth is a Christian holiday that invites the American populace to begin anew and make an effort to open their hearts and minds to the common goal of unity and the work of racial reconciliation through the love of God. 

However, the central purpose of March Fourth is for people to make a special effort to improve their lives and “March Forth” toward their dreams and highest aspirations, taking calculated risks, and making the necessary sacrifices. 


  1. The goal of March Forth is to encourage people to achieve their goals. Today is the day to start by planning out your future and breaking ambitious goals into smaller, achievable stepping stones. Use a vision board to push yourself to work on your goals every day going forward.
  2. Share your photos, videos, and thoughts about march Fourth on social media to spread awareness for March Fourth


  1. March Fourth isn’t an actual holiday but March Fourth represents one of a few unofficial and made-up holidays available in a calendar year.
  2. March Forth is the shortened version of the full name of the holiday, which is March Forth and Do Something Day
  3. March Forth was specifically made to be observed just after Black History Month.


  1. March Fourth was made to help us kickstart and work towards significant milestones in the achievement of our aspirations. In other words, it helps us overcome procrastination.
  2. It is believed that March Fourth was created to ease from the spirit of honoring and celebrating others to focusing on bettering ourselves.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates