Brave Howie and the Terrible Giant by Clark Ridge Burbidge

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a children’s book called Brave Howie and the Terrible Giant by Clark Ridge Burbidge. I received a copy of in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Brave Howie and the Terrible Giant is for Upper Elementary students but even little children can learn from this book if there parents take the time to read and discuss the story with them. I love how the Town is called Snee and the little boy climbs on his dads knee to hear a story because it shows the dad cares about what the little boy wants.

Charlie and I read the story together and decided the Knight would have scared us because he was 20 feet tall. But we love how the little boy who is only 4 feet tall said he could make the knight change his ways. Charlie and I liked how the little boy helped the giant and turned him into a friend for everyone and someone Charlie and I would have enjoyed meeting.

About the book:

The kingdom is in great danger…can anyone save it?

The kingdom of Snee had always been a peaceful and happy place. But in recent years a terrible giant has tormented the kingdom and troubled the people. He storms unexpectedly from his lair in the dark swampy forest and destroys their crops, homes, and wagons. The King is desperate and sends out pleas for heroes to end the giant’s reign of terror. Mighty knights and heroes come from near and far, but none can defeat the giant.

Then one day a smallish unimpressive boy answers the call for help. Brave Howie does not look like a hero in armor that is a little to large for his small stature, and the people doubt his offer. Can this unlikely knight defeat the giant? How can one so small make a difference? He is the only one that thinks he has a chance. Join Brave Howie in his dangerous quest into the dark and fearsome swampy forest. Will he succeed or meet his doom?

About the author: Clark Rich Burbidge

Clark Rich Burbidge (1955 – Present) was born in Ogden, Utah grew up in the high mountain valleys of the Rockies. His long career as a banker, investment banker and Chief Financial Officer has always been balanced by his love of reading or telling a good story. This blossomed into a second career when in 2010 when he was fortunate enough to find others that wanted to make his writing available to the public. With his ninth book soon to be published and the last six books receiving international Mom’s Choice Gold Medal recognition and numerous other awards he is excited about the future.

Mr. Burbidge loves to mountain bike and scuba dive but most of all he enjoys being out among his reading public and hearing of the power effect his books have on youth and adults alike. Clark especially loves taking his “Live with the Heart of a Giant” tour to schools, communities and faith-based groups to help others realize their full potential and how to overcome challenges. He shares this rewarding life with his sweetheart and blended family of ten children and six grandchildren.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates