Easter Gift Guide 24: Socks for the Whole Family

The Mommies Reviews

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Easter Gift Guide 24: Socks for the Whole Family
Easter Gift Guide 24: Socks for the Whole Family

I thought I would share a fun fact about myself with you. As we add our newest sponsor to you Easter Gift Guide 24: Socks for the Whole Family from Flat Socks. As a young adult I loved pens and collecting them but now its socks for every Holiday there is. Which you would think would drive David crazy but it doesn’t because socks are something we use every day.

Even in the Summer when I wear sandals a lot of times I will wear socks with them even though that used to drive me batty to see people do it. My family has found Flat Socks which caries both invisible socks and croc socks if I end up purchasing a pair for our family this year to wear back and forth to the Swimming Pool if they open it back up.

The wonderful thing about the company is Flat Socks offers socks for men, women and children and they come in a different patterns including floral, animals and even solids for David. When I was looking through the site I picked COW-A-BUNGA FLAT SOCKS out for me and Charlie because they reminded me of my mom and her love of Cows.

I can’t wait to add these gifts to Charlie and David’s Easter Basket I picked out her along with a Gift Card from for Charlie. For David I picked up a Gift Card to Whataburger so he could purchase breakfast on his way to work. Before you ask no, I didn’t forget me I purchased a Gift Card to Barnes and Noble so I can get the book from Danielle Steel I’ve been wanting to read.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates