Ultimate Blog Challenge; January 25th,2024 Day 25

The Mommies Reviews

Life is funny and most people say don’t make plans because the LORD will change them in the blink of an eye and I can attest to that this morning. I signed up for the Ultimate Blog Challenge to do one post a month and low and behold we all became sick. I got behind in posting the post and worked hard to catch up.

Then life took over and once again I got behind and ended up not posting for a couple days and now it’s February 2nd and the challenge is officially over but I didn’t want to throw in the towel without completing the challenge so here I am playing catch up again. I may not have anyone visit my blog and that is okay because I’m not finishing the challenge for anyone else but myself.

The prompt for this morning’s challenge asked us to share what websites we visit. I wish I could give you a list but unfortuanlly I haven’t been visiting other’s sites even though I have several friends who blog. It’s time to stop that because we all need to be seen and get out post shared at least once a week.

Life is changing and this week I am going to look for 5 blogs I enjoy and I’m going to visit each one once a day for the next year. As you can see I only picked 5 blogs because if I miss one day then I can go back and visit them on Saturday and Sunday. If there is nothing going on in our house on the weekend I can take the time to visit them again assuring them of two visits a week.

Would you like to come and join me on this journey or would you like to be one of the blogs I visit? If so leave me a comment and lets build out sites together and show the world we have something to say. I also want to find new followers on Facebook and Instagram so feel free to share your links with me.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates