Ultimate Blog Challenge January 23rd, 2024 Day 24

The Mommies Reviews

Here we are playing catch up again and in this mornings prompt we was asked “Top 10” post which I’ve done in the past and thought about doing this morning. But I’m so far behind I didn’t want to take the time to put together even a top 5 list. Instead I wanted to ask if you created a list I could look at. Or if you have suggestions on the best way to catch up in the challenge and stay on point in April and October when the challenge happens again.

Although being behind this time couldn’t be helped with all three of us sick at different times for over 2 weeks and if truth be none I am still not 100 percent back to normal and I’ve beginning to think I may never be with this cough I have that will not go away. Life goes on and as a mom, wife and business owner I have to as well.

Back to normal were trying to be and that includes catching up on work, my walking, water intake and diet as well as housework. As for sleeping there isn’t anytime for that it seems which is okay because some where in all that is going on I need to start planning Charlie’s graduation which is happening at May at Pecan Park if you would like to join us.

I’m off now to see if I can make myself walk at least once around the complex which is 10 minutes and not enough walking but it is better than nothing as I can build back up to the hour and half I need to walk. I just wish I could tell if its actually helping me lose the weight I want to lose.

Have a blessed weekend and we will talk to you soon.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates