Color of the Day Challenge #ColoroftheDay Challenge January 12th, 0224 White

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I would like to share our #ColoroftheDay Challenge January 12th, 0224 White, Finding something all white is hard so I decided I would share a Coffee cup I purchased when Suzzane was still here from the Disney Store. On the cup is all of the characters from Winnie the Pooh because each of them mean something special to Suzzie and I. Inside the cup is Roo and a Elephant which is my favorite animal.

Here is a fun fact Suzzane and my sister and I came up with before she passed away.

Suzzane was Tigger

I am Eeeyore

Her best friend Ashley was Winnie the Pooh

My nephew David M. was Piglet

My sister was Roo

Before you ask about David this was before he and I started dating.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates