January 10th, 11th and 12th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge

The Mommies Reviews

I’m telling you it never fails when I join this challenge that I end up behind and end up either playing catch up or quitting. Can you guess what I’m doing this morning? Before you ask why I’m behind I could blame it on David and say it’s because he was home or I didn’t feel good or even Charlie needed me but even though they may play a factor into me being behind that isn’t the full reason.

I just didn’t feel like doing anything and especially blogging. When running a business that isn’t the way thinks should be done but sometimes we just need to take a day or two for ourselves to rethink and reground and this is what I did. Am I upset that I didn’t it and now I’m behind and trying to catch up no, I am not because it allowed me to spend time with my family without being online and we needed that.

Now that I’m back the prompt for the 12th asked us to Be inspired by a quote.

Find a favorite quote and then expand on it giving your take or your thoughts.

Don’t think you’ve got to write something motivational or inspiring. There are plenty of humorous and sarcastic quotes out there, too.

Here are some great places to find quotes:


#HappyFriday #FlashbackFriday I thought I would share a picture of Charlie from his Birthday when he went to get a Permanant in his hair for the first time.

Smart Style Family Hair Salon
Smart Style Family Hair Salon

I also needed to catch up on Day 10 which asked us to share

Day 11: asked us to grab a magazine and to write down the headlines and replace the keywords into something that would fit our lives. I couldn’t go to my coffee table and share a picture of a magazine because I only had Entertainment magazines I collect and there in a tote in David’s closet I would like to ask you to come and share some titles from magazines with me and I will fill them out.

Day 10: Everyone loves watching a good video. Find a YouTube video or one from TED Talks that you like (and that would be interesting to your readers). Share it along with your own comments.

I was going to look for a video to share with you but Charlie and I will be watching videos for school this afternoon and I will ask Charlie to pick on out. At the moment I’m listening to music so I thought I would share that with you.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates